P.W.: The first phase of my cunning plan is to detonate Africa.
Posted by G lib on 2005-03-17 15:16:08 +0000
P.W.: The first phase of my cunning plan is to implement an initiative of strategically targeting and leveraging resources and opportunities for the African people. It's called "Operation Chicken in Every Pot, SUV in every garage!"
(What he actually means: Strategically leveraging the combination of famine, starvation, Civil War and AIDS to bring the population of Africa down to a manageable level)
Like, totally!
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-03-19 07:23:20 +0000
P.W.: On my watch, I plan to eradicate poverty!
P.W.: The first phase of my cunning plan is to detonate Africa.
P.W.: The first phase of my cunning plan is to implement an initiative of strategically targeting and leveraging resources and opportunities for the African people. It's called "Operation Chicken in Every Pot, SUV in every garage!"
(What he actually means: Strategically leveraging the combination of famine, starvation, Civil War and AIDS to bring the population of Africa down to a manageable level)
Like, totally!
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