I have some new criticism up <a href ="http://www.trouserpress.com/entry.php?a=fugazi"> here </a>.
Posted by rladew on 2005-11-02 16:36:54 +0000
frame, other than the big bags of cash and fame that your writing has earned you, are there any other reasons you would write for such a mainstream publication as Trouser Press instead of a xerox or half-toned zines sold out of the back of Max.RnR for .037 US dollars and a SASE?
(sorry, the guy with the red hair @ the Chris Ware show suddenly surged through me...)
Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-02 16:38:26 +0000
I am such a sellout.
Posted by tgl on 2005-11-02 17:28:37 +0000
Find frame609's paragraphs! I think I spotted one:
Harsher in tone and less controlled in the body and in the mind, In on the Killtaker drops the dynamic reins to unleash the furies in forcefields like "Facet Squared," "Rend It," "Great Cop" and "Smallpox Champion." Relying on less ambitiously structured songs and giving too little thought to how they're presented, Fugazi ironically proves that more is less. By paying too little attention to the low-energy levels at which the band so eminently functions, the roaring waves of scrabbly rock lose their stinging impact. The feedback squeals and rumbles that end "23 Beats Off" could be anybody's, and that's a dishonor for this band. Thanks to the biographical "Cassavetes," the album isn't a total disappointment: in a spectacular and ominous convocation of stuttering beats squeezed between ascendant guitar sweeps and falling bolts of metallic lightning, the song has everything — tension, contrast, imagination — its neighbors lack.
Posted by rladew on 2005-11-02 17:44:39 +0000
I like the fist / 9 grain bread thing...
"the modest but explosive Fugazi is a knuckle sandwich made with nine-grain bread, building strong minds and bodies with rattling guitar power."
thats gotta be our lil frame!
Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-02 18:13:11 +0000
Negative on both counts.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-02 19:54:09 +0000
Dude, frame would <i>never</i> use the word "convocation".
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-02 19:56:36 +0000
I will be utterly shamed if I am wrong, but...
<i>"End Hits sent shudders of dread and rumor through the punk community — was Fugazi announcing its demise? (Was Ian the walrus, or was it Guy?) The title, as it turns out, signaled an end to the old way of doing things, of crankin’ out "the hits." Here, Fugazi continues down the evolutionary sonic path first carved out on Red Medicine, except with more focus and even less reliance on the formulaic punk chug of their own invention." </i>
Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-03 05:05:49 +0000
We have a winnah!
That's where my stuff starts.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-03 07:44:15 +0000
I win! I win! :-)
Intelligent and funny - without being smarmy or twee. That's our frame.
Posted by rladew on 2005-11-03 14:00:01 +0000
<a href="http://pitchforkmedia.com/features/weekly/indie-pop/">Twee as Fuck</a>
(sorry, the guy with the red hair @ the Chris Ware show suddenly surged through me...)
Harsher in tone and less controlled in the body and in the mind, In on the Killtaker drops the dynamic reins to unleash the furies in forcefields like "Facet Squared," "Rend It," "Great Cop" and "Smallpox Champion." Relying on less ambitiously structured songs and giving too little thought to how they're presented, Fugazi ironically proves that more is less. By paying too little attention to the low-energy levels at which the band so eminently functions, the roaring waves of scrabbly rock lose their stinging impact. The feedback squeals and rumbles that end "23 Beats Off" could be anybody's, and that's a dishonor for this band. Thanks to the biographical "Cassavetes," the album isn't a total disappointment: in a spectacular and ominous convocation of stuttering beats squeezed between ascendant guitar sweeps and falling bolts of metallic lightning, the song has everything — tension, contrast, imagination — its neighbors lack.
"the modest but explosive Fugazi is a knuckle sandwich made with nine-grain bread, building strong minds and bodies with rattling guitar power."
thats gotta be our lil frame!
<i>"End Hits sent shudders of dread and rumor through the punk community — was Fugazi announcing its demise? (Was Ian the walrus, or was it Guy?) The title, as it turns out, signaled an end to the old way of doing things, of crankin’ out "the hits." Here, Fugazi continues down the evolutionary sonic path first carved out on Red Medicine, except with more focus and even less reliance on the formulaic punk chug of their own invention." </i>
That's where my stuff starts.
Intelligent and funny - without being smarmy or twee. That's our frame.