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throwing shoes since '04
Theo steps down!
Closed session Democrats Should Read.....
A step backwards or forwards?
Oh Captain, My Captain
Trouser Press!
Department of Labor taken out to the shed
Theo speaks!
'Fecal Matter' demos
13 Month Calendar.
Today in Nashville it's 81 degrees outside
Here's a classy way to voice your differences with someone
Last night I...
Continuing Coverage
Scary Invasion of Privacy
What lies beneath...the Boston Public Library
Roots + Yoda = THX 1138
Clement thanks Theo
Capote and the Red States
a great business plan for music
P. Diddy and the FEC
A Fil Music Lover's Best Friend
I take it all back.
Yesterday's disaster
Bad Karma
Pats vs. Ponies
Anyone else shufflin' MP3's?
The Jandek Mystery continues
Get out of the van!
"The Take"
90 cups of coffee would do me in
Letter from Eastie Blog
One of my heros died
so a nun walks into a bar...
34 X 32
Best fabric/sewing craft
Merrimack, N.H.
The Knitting Machine
RS.N PageRank is a 3/10
Saying good-bye to "Crazy Tom Cruise"
Lower Than Nixon
New Hampshire, represent!
Caffe' Italia review
Do You Hear That Sucking Sound?
Jarhead appresh
Onion apreesh
Cracking the top 6!
9 users!!!
Another reason to hate A-Rod:
Animal Planet: The Wilds of East Boston
I didn't pay NPR to do this...
Bad Policy, not just Bad Intelligence
Ali G...comic or racist?
Path of Destruction
100 worst Album Covers of All Time
Stupid question about book footnotes
Real Change in the Mid. East
Don't look behind the curtain...
Don't look behind the curtain...
Don't look behind the curtain...
new steps, new steps, new steps
first message to rs.n public group
and another one
ah hah!
here's a crappy thought
I love it when Time Wisrd bum rushes rs.n
Chop Suey
Matsui = bling.
This will force a synchronization
Posting from mathworks.com
Phish covers
Is BizQuig3000 a sell-out for signing up for another month at this @#&(*!% temp job?
Mimi Smarty Pants vs. train Masturbator
Tornado, Tornahdo
Plan B
Which is Worse? (2)
Which is More Petty?
Phew! Back to Single Minded Political PBS views
Evidently, I'm Suicidal
Fiction: online!
Volcano Suns (Warning! Bob Weston related...)
Supreme Geekery
Man In Blue Tights
I think I might have made a couple of friends!
Disappearing Act
Walk the Line Apreesh
Best Dead Musician Bio-Pic
T - T -T -T TESLA!
ACLU takes the 'Denver Three' case
Charlie Pierce Fan Club
CPFLMATT 11/21/05
Stickin' it to me from the grave
Time to Tea Off
Carlton Ridenhour' s finest moment
Neu Bad Taz
3 members online!
Thank you mama ...
The Producers Apreesh
Hot Sox rumor 11/22:
It all happened so fast...
A Special Round of Thanks This Year Go Out to...
Best Thanksgiving Side Item
Playing it up
T Minus...
My Thanksgiving Wouldn't Be Complete Without
Wax on... wax Off
All-purpose offseason Red Sox rumor thread
The Gift I Want Most for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza 2005 Is...
"Light Years" Apreesh
This is sad
Nerd Series Apreesh
What the hell is the name of that page.....
Leaving New Orleans Was Only Step One....
Jump The Shark
Lets go to Hong Kong
Just curious... (re: media bias)
Dear Dan Shaugnessey.....
It's Gettin' Hot in Here!
Brussels Sprouts Apreesh
Speaking of Conspiracies
Freaky Friendster Emails
C4RT on HDNet
Miles Davis AND the Sex Pistols
G13: Celtics vs. Magic
CPFLMATT 11/28/05
21st Century Schizoid Abe apreesh
Double or nothing...
You Know Someone Has a Crush on You When He/She...
Has anyone else noticed Glib's number of posts lately?
Mos Def
RIP Mr. Berenstain
You know you live in an urban area when...
Lady Soverign report
Hey Frame:
Pitch: off!
12/1: Broonz!
Find me on github.