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Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-07 04:09:45 +0000


Lobel is on TV right now, Sunday's "Sports Final", and he's clearly been drinking. Should be good....


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-07 04:29:38 +0000
Bob's got a scratch in his throat. Lobel just ended the 1st segment with, "You wanna know what Carson had in his cup?" Picks up paper coffee cup, offers it to audience, and says, "We'll let you know, after the break..."
I am completely serious..

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-07 05:20:30 +0000
Best non-Lobel moment:
Steve Burton interviewing Cam Neely (who's going into the hall of fame), Blah, blah... Showing Nelly highlights, with the interview voice over, pause, then video of Cam fightng, missing with an upper cut left to NJ Devils's #22(?), then immediate connecting left hook on said player, video cuts to Neely and Burton sitting on a couch.

Steve Burton: "Do you have any idea how much you mean to the city of Boston?"
Cam Nelly: "Yeah, I think I do." Video cuts back to earlier fight. Cam throws #22 to the ice, voice over, "I've chosen to stay and help the city of Boston." Video of #22 tossed into the boards head first.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-07 05:25:17 +0000
Lobel closes with, "Senator Tom Brady from California defeats Massachusetts Governor Theo Epstein for the 2028 presidential election. You heard it here first. This is Bob Lobel for Sports Final. Have a good week."

Posted by tgl on 2005-11-07 14:10:00 +0000
Caught that part, I very enjoyable "Sports Final".

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