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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-14 21:00:24 +0000

Another reason to hate A-Rod:

<a href ="http://www.sportsnetwork.com/default.asp?c=globe&page=mlb/stat/mvp-voting_05.htm"> He robbed Ortiz. </a>

Still, though- Manny, Tek and Damon get some votes.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-14 21:06:14 +0000
Vlad gets a 1st place vote? Are you serious? I love the guy, but come on! He doesn't even get any #2 votes!

The voter must've been from Orange county...

Posted by tgl on 2005-11-14 21:11:30 +0000
Only 28 voters? Wow. That's nearly as bad as the electoral college.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-14 21:14:07 +0000
I keep hoping that my blog baseball writing will get me a hall of fame vote someday. Maybe I should try for an MVP vote, too.

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-15 01:47:08 +0000
Think of all the adults out there that encourage their children to look up to A-Rod...

If thats not child abuse, I dont know what is.

Im gonna be sick now, so if you'll excuse me...

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-11-15 14:53:48 +0000
The important thing to note, is that whatever the guy who voted for Vladdy was thinking, he was the only one with the decency to _not_ give A-Hole a #1 or #2 vote. _Every_ voter gave Ortiz #1 or #2.

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-15 14:59:53 +0000
12 hours later and Im still having a hard time accepting this....


Posted by tgl on 2005-11-15 15:17:08 +0000
Can we be sure the Vlad voter did not give Rodriguez the #2 vote?

I was thinking that if the Vlad voter had voted Ortiz number one, Ortiz would have made it, but it's only a swing of 5 points.


If Susy favorite color is red and Tom's neighbor likes elephants, who at Ralph's lunch?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-15 15:21:35 +0000
Yes, Ortiz recieved only 1st and 2nd votes. Gay-Rod has one 3rd place vote.

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