It all happened so fast...
On my way home from work, I was heading down into the Government Center station, toward the Blue Line platform. I was somewhat lost in my own thoughts, and definitely minding my own business.
Suddenly I was accosted by a young male, darkish skin, darkish hair, probably Latino, maybe Southeast Asian, maybe 18-30 years old. (I didn't get a good look at him, because it all happened too fast.) He rushed up towards me; at first I thought he was just hurrying to catch the T and was rudely getting in my way, so I moved a step or two to the side to let him by.
He kept coming at me.
Before I knew what was going on, he had roughly shoved into my hands the $5 bill I had dropped (without knowing it) back at the turnstiles two levels upstairs. "You lost this," he said, in broken English, and ran away. Before I could react, he was lost in the crowd.
I've been anti-mugged.
<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>