Phish covers
So for the last 48 hours I've been listening to, "Sharin' in the Groove', a compilation of Phish covers (put out by the Mockingbird Foundation, with 'Who is She Music?'s permission).
Stand outs:
'Chalkdust Torture' by Los Villains - Fairly punk and probably faster than I've ever heard it.
'Gogli Apparatus' by the Stanford University Marching Band. Really fun to hear the "I-saw-you / With a ticket stub in your hand!" part done with trumpets.
The track 'Free' is OK.
I do have them covering Talking Head's 'Remain in Light' in its entirety, during Phish's for-Halloween-we'll-cover-an-whole-album-for-the-second-set phase, '95-'98. Always liked Phish's versions of 'Loving Cup', 'Good Times,Bad Times', and Hendrix's 'Isabella'.
But that's what's sort of fun about this comp, that the shoes on the other foot.
'Waste' by Dave Mathews or 'Sample in a Jar' by Little Feat are the front runners.
Who is the brightest star in the Jam band universe these days?
All of the Phish crowd must follow someone around these days...
Has the torch been passed to Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson?
I'm a little out of my element here and disrespect (believe it or not) is not intended.
Just curious what the state of Jam music is in 2005.
I can't stand Moe. One of the worst shows of my life was Moe at Lupos Heartbreak Hotel, in RI.
Disco Biscuits? Deep Banana Blackout? The Books?
david Grisman, Bruce Hornsby et. al are still around too, no?