<a href ="http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/yankees/ny-spyanks164514987nov16,0,7227519.story?coll=ny-sports-headlines"> Big pimpin'. </a>
This isn't going to help the Damon/Boras saga any.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-16 17:52:26 +0000
"No performance-based bonuses." Bad call for Yankee front office (Good for Matsui?). I've always liked these for the pure business-performance angle.
I remember my 1st cousin once removed, Nick Howe (the writer who lives in the cabin behind my dad's, big baseball fan) had a theory that there should be a register at the end of the game and salary is per hit/run scored/strike out/etc. I mean if it is a business...
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-11-16 18:07:52 +0000
Anyone know how much money, say, Matsui gets per sale of, say, a Matsui t-shirt/jersey/etc? I know in the NFL, profits of all Peyton Manning jerseys, say, are split evenly with the other 31 teams, and ole' Peyton boy gets $0.00
Posted by frame609 on 2005-11-16 18:09:27 +0000
I wouldn't be surprised if the MLB is the same way.
I remember my 1st cousin once removed, Nick Howe (the writer who lives in the cabin behind my dad's, big baseball fan) had a theory that there should be a register at the end of the game and salary is per hit/run scored/strike out/etc. I mean if it is a business...