C4RT on HDNet
Folks... aparently that dumb Felt show (yes, Dawn, it was the one with the cocaine jokes) is going to be aired on HDNet this coming Sunday at 8:00 and 11:00. If any of you have any friends with HDTV, tell me. I just e-mailed HDNet owner Mark Cuban to see if there's anyway to get a DVD of said show. Yes, <i>that</i> Mark Cuban.
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/31/68022000_6b8148b08f_o.jpg">
I will rally the troops. I think Im confident we can obtain a video read out of this c4rt transmission.
BTW, after the Ralph's Diner show on Sat. this dude came up to praise the set and suggest a gig with his band. His band sounding like "Early Bungle, early R.H.C.P." I think I heard Ed's eyes roll.
Catholic School Girls Rule!
Bob dylan covers!
Bungle I'm sure will pass muster; not sure "Yertle The Turtle" will sound so good 15 years after the fact.
"time independent rock"
"Funky rock" coming up in a conversation at a party or what have you: If I was in a band and someone used that type of moniker, It would elicit an image of a backwards- white cotton baseball hat and flannel wearing ATO (Or someother fraternal org) brother from my UNH days...
I remember the 1994 Green Day / Pansy Division show:
2 crowds split exactly down the middle in the Field house. A sea of white hats on the left, the "misunderstood" (i.e. piercings, dyed hair, anti-bathers, spike / dog tag wearers, etc on the right.
I was working security. I just stood 2 the sound console and made sure no one dove into it...