So, on the Iranian family Shabbat dinner next Friday night, I may have 3 potential suitors to contend with.
1) Brother to a woman who married into the family who had 3 kids in 3 years. His name is Alex, and he lives in Atlanta.
2) Cousin who is a doctor at Vanderbilt University Hospital. Quiet, plays the piano, and is also named Alex.
3) Nephew of the hostess who lives in NYC and is an Italian fashion importer. Supposedly very cute, lives in a nicely furnished apartment in the city, and apparently I look very much like his sister. (I questioned whether that would be a bonus or not.)
I think I'll wear a skirt to this one.
And, since you know how I feel about long-distance relationships, I'm with pamsterdam on this one.
On the other hand, he plays trumpet and has a red beard.
Wait, how do you feel about long-distance relationships?
Ed(ward)'s been asking about this almost daily <i>"What happened with the Cozy Friends Chat (his name for Rideside) <strong>Vote for Miriam's Date</strong> thingie?"</i>] so we both appreciate the update!
On an up note, I'm going to a young Jewish adults mixer for newcomers to Nashville on Thursday night. Maybe I'll meet my beshert there.
Oh, and? You have the <i>best</i> hair.
It's looking like I need it styled here pretty soon. Might have to head to Boston to get a trim at Judy Jetson's. Linda Shehab is the best curly-hairdresser I know.