Brussels Sprouts Apreesh
I'd like to give a shout out to my new fave veggie.
Rinse, trim and cut in half large Brussels sprouts. Toss them in a baking dish with a tablespoon or two of olive oil, some salt and pepper, and bake until they're starting to crisp.
Hot damn, that's good stuff! Full of vitamins, too.
<i>edited to add:</i> You essentially need to eat them with heavy, greasy food. Failing that, slather them in spicy mustard. Oh, and cold sprouts are not to be suffered.
I first heard about toad-in-the-whole in a Roald Dahl book I believe.
Yorkshire pudding... Sausage... Gravy... What could possibly be better?
Grandpa Lowy wouldn't be happy.
(am I tempting you yet?)
<strong>FULL OF VITAMINS</strong>
English people are such freaks, they call pretty much everything pudding. All desserts, including pudding, and also Yorkshire pudding - which actually has the consistency of a non-grainy cornbread.
For serious, it's yum. And not wet.
<i>Cha ching!</i>
<i>Cha ching!</i>