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Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 17:40:36 +0000

Brussels Sprouts Apreesh

I'd like to give a shout out to my new fave veggie.

Rinse, trim and cut in half large Brussels sprouts. Toss them in a baking dish with a tablespoon or two of olive oil, some salt and pepper, and bake until they're starting to crisp.

Hot damn, that's good stuff! Full of vitamins, too.

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-28 17:42:46 +0000
I've never been so depressed / diappointed as I was the day that I learned that people grow this noxious vegetable on purpose. blecch. Like mini stink bomb cabbages. Good as projectiles, but as food?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:18:56 +0000
They're the perfect compliment to <a href ="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toad_in_the_hole">Toad in the Hole</a>, also known as "what's for dinner".

<i>edited to add:</i> You essentially need to eat them with heavy, greasy food. Failing that, slather them in spicy mustard. Oh, and cold sprouts are not to be suffered.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-28 18:21:40 +0000
Yummy. My mom makes a good one.
I first heard about toad-in-the-whole in a Roald Dahl book I believe.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 18:24:17 +0000
Wow. That sounds super gross. I made mine as a side to brown rice and bbq roasted tofu.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-28 18:26:40 +0000
Yorkshire pudding... Sausage... Gravy... What could possibly be better?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:33:05 +0000
It's pretty much meat-eaters' territory, I admit it. And there I go with the pork again...

Grandpa Lowy wouldn't be happy.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 18:37:18 +0000
I think I have some vegetarian versions in cookbooks at home, but it still doesn't sit well with my Eastern European tastebuds. Throw some brisket in there and my mouth might be watering!

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-28 18:39:25 +0000
I had brisket, mushroom kasha, and noddles for dinner on Friday...

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:44:09 +0000
Have you ever had a Yorkshire pudding? It's really nice with anything smokey-tasting, I think - it's essentially a savory quickbread, served hot. I can imagine it being a great stand-in for biscuits or cornbread in any Southern-style meal.

(am I tempting you yet?)

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 18:50:08 +0000
Um, no. I'm not a fan of bread puddings. Wet bread is icky. Cornbread and bisquits are heavenly!

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 18:50:27 +0000
You had kasha AND noodles?!

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-28 18:51:48 +0000
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/jesus_hates_Hip_Hop/vomit-366.jpg">

<strong>FULL OF VITAMINS</strong>

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:55:08 +0000
Oh, <strong>my</strong> Yorkshire pudding isn't wet. ;-)

English people are such freaks, they call pretty much everything pudding. All desserts, including pudding, and also Yorkshire pudding - which actually has the consistency of a non-grainy cornbread.

For serious, it's yum. And not wet.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:59:01 +0000
Oh, and it isn't really like bread pudding. Unless you use half the liquid usually required per the recipe - then it might have a similar consistency.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-28 18:59:44 +0000
Oh, and maybe I should quit starting all my posts with "Oh".


Posted by tgl on 2005-11-28 19:09:43 +0000
I don't mind 'em cold (which is good for me because we have another pound and a half leftover from Thursday), as long as they haven't been overcooked to begin with.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-28 21:07:01 +0000
The triple self-response=the Pamsterdam.

Posted by G lib on 2005-11-30 14:44:01 +0000
Can we leave off the puke pictures? My count might stay at 666 forever...

<i>Cha ching!</i>

Posted by G lib on 2005-11-30 14:44:43 +0000
I just realized that I'm the dumbest girl on the planet-- I just opened myself up to more puke pictures, didn't I?
<i>Cha ching!</i>

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-30 15:03:33 +0000
sorry Glib, Ill try to restrain myself. I think I wont post anymore of those - but Brussel Sprouts! I was provoked!


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