Animal Planet: The Wilds of East Boston
Yesterday aftenoon I spotted a hawk in East Boston. As I looked on from two yards away, it savaged and began to devour its prey (a pigeon) within the safe confines of a fenced-in garden (for those of you curious about its stomping grounds, it's right across the street from the science and technology school on Border Street). I don't know how far hawks roam, and I've heard that there are some that live in the Custom House, and that you can sometimes see them on the Common.
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I'm drooling...
Check out <a href="">the top item in his online store</a>. Yet again I am reminded that I have the sense of humor of a 14-year-old boy.
Damn, he's fine.
Don't talk about it, man.
(Speaking of which- me, Rich, and Jackie were walking back from the bar after the latter two saw ol' Hank speak at Berklee, right, and we walked by his bus. I looked in the window, and THERE HE WAS. So I waved to him, and for the rest of the night I was like "Wow, Hentry Rollins waved back at me!")
But seriously, that is very cool. I think he's a great guy. Damn G's torpedoes!
Two things: Is that trailer going to make ANYONE go to Mexico (after a hurricane), one, and two, how much were those kids getting paid?
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<a href= "">Pamsterdam, you totally could! You might be able to learn a few additional tricks from Lesley and the Ly's...</a>. Check out the 'BeatDazzler' video on that page, everyone. The ending is priceless.
<i>Cha ching!</i>
Getting drunk & crying at a party = public humiliation
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Wearing spandex & doing the robot in a pizzeria = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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I have seen hawks in Union Square and in Radcliffe Yard many times, and have even seen them disembowling pigeons and throwing guts and feathers on the ground. I haven't seen any Ebo, but I'm really glad they're there!
Who couldn't love a bird that eats mostly rats and pigeons and makes a scary screeching noise?
<i>Cha ching!</i>