Stickin' it to me from the grave
Yesterday I got home from a 9 hour day at work to find the codicil and will that I asked my grandma's estate lawyer to send me. The week before, his assistant had sent a copy of the 2nd page of the codicil, which mentioned the 1.5% of the estate that my brother and I were to recieve after all debts, taxes, etc. had been paid. My dad and sister were entirely left out.
Upon reading the will and full codicil, I turns out that Grandma wrote the will on June 9, 2003. The codicil was written on Oct. 20, 2003. The will allocated 3% to my bro, 3% to my sis, and 4% to me.
I called my dad to ask if there were any significant family things between June and October 2003; he couldn't think of any. I thought of my neice, Shayna's birth. But that didn't seem like something to write us out for.
I then called my sister. She thinks it was changed because we didn't come to Grandpa's headstone unveiling.
Adam, my bro, didn't pick up the phone; I left him a message.
I'm thinking about calling my aunts to ask for an explanation. I know it's inviting trouble and more heartache, but I want to know why Grandma changed her mind in such a short period of time. Ugh.
Let it slide, I say. What's to be gained?
Just let it go, Miriam.
Even if they tell you what the rationale was, you'll probably still be left asking "what the fuck?" and have no idea about what goes on in their minds.
<i>Math Rock is not a four letter word. It's two four letter words...</>
<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>