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tome cusp
Posted by cdubrocker on 2005-11-03 18:32:03 +0000

What lies beneath...the Boston Public Library

So I went to the BPL today during lunch to return a few DVDs, and on my way to the lower level I saw a large cardboard cutout heralding the arrival of the Chronicles of Narnia. I know a movie series of the books is coming out soon, but I thought this cutout was maybe advertising the fact that they were re-releasing the books, and that you should check your copy out of the library sometime soon. As I arrived at the A/V collection, I realized there was more than just the cardboard cutout - there's an entire (though modest in size) museum quality display about the forthcoming movies, with video screens, glassed-in movie props, large movie advertisement, etc. Am I way behind the times, or does this seem weird, the BPL teaming up with Disney to advertise this movie? I know corporate sponsorship is sprouting up everywhere in publicly funded places, but it seems sort of odd and backwards for a movie to be advertised like this in a public library, where they really should be encouraging people to read. Just found the <a href = "http://www.walden.com/web/teach/lww/library">info</a>.

Posted by rladew on 2005-11-03 19:08:04 +0000
that is pretty icky. like when the mlb had "Spiderman 2" adverts on first base / home plate...

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