You Know Someone Has a Crush on You When He/She...
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-29 23:28:34 +0000
The Look. Kind of hard to describe...
You catch them looking at you with this vaguely perplexed, blissful expression - then they pretend they just were smiling/smirking at something you were saying/doing and change the subject. Or make out with you. Or ask you to come to their show. Or ask you out on a real d.a.t.e. for real at a restaurant and everything.
Sounds like b.s., and I'm not completely doing it justice, but I swear by it.
Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-30 00:23:38 +0000
I definitely know the look you mean. Also, if they show up at your workplace for no reason, and hang out. I've also had one who would give me free peach iced tea every time I went to Liberty Cafe (now defunct) in Central Sq. I dated that one for a while and he eventually told me that he gave me tea 'cause he liked me. I thought he gave tea to everyone he knew. That's how dumb I was at 22!
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-30 08:02:13 +0000
That's not bad for 22! Hell, some of the stuff I believed back then... *shudder*
You catch them looking at you with this vaguely perplexed, blissful expression - then they pretend they just were smiling/smirking at something you were saying/doing and change the subject. Or make out with you. Or ask you to come to their show. Or ask you out on a real d.a.t.e. for real at a restaurant and everything.
Sounds like b.s., and I'm not completely doing it justice, but I swear by it.