Speaking of Conspiracies
Not a conspiracy <i>theory</i>, an <a href="http://www.sandiegotribune.com/news/politics/cunningham/20051128-0956-bn28duke3.html">admitted one.</a>
What I find funny here is that Republicans use the term "conspiracy theory" as if it's some far fetched dreamt up charge, and the GOP is trying to discredit the charges, but these 'theories' are proving true everyday.
I personally like the one (which I saw Spike Lee and others claim legitimacy to the other wek on Bill Maher's political talk show on HBO)that Farrakhan started / voiced about the FED gov't being involved in physically blowing up / exploding the levees in New Orleans. That one was a real keeper. craz-O
"This warning was augmented by vestigial fears from Hurricane Betsy, and the lasting stories of the Army Corps of Engineers blasting the flooding levees, drowning the poorer neighborhoods of the lower ninth Ward."
"augmented by vestigial fears" :Not the clearest wording if one is trying to quickly understand info on Katrina IMHO.
I had to look the words augment and vestigial up in a dictionary to make sure I understood the sentence as it appeared in Wiki. The way I understood it, people in N. Orleans that made it through Hurricane Betsy had strengthened fears of the Corps destroying levees under a racial/economic premise rooted in Hurricane Betsy from the 1960's (long before Kayne could hip people in America into the 'George Bush Hates Black People' school of thought). .
Many more areas of New Orleans besides the 9th ward were flooded, and hopefully even the most intelligent and fervent anti-Bushies will realize this idea of a racial conspiracy is pure <a href="http://www.alternet.org/columnists/story/26126/">bunk</a>.
They're not the same thing. Betsy was 1965, Katrina 2005, the Flood when the levees were blown up was in 1927.
When did I include race in this discussion?
I'm sorry that it was not made clear the blown up levee conspriacy was <i>only</i> in relation to the aftermath of Katrina, and not in general, when it did actually happen.