The Gift I Want Most for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza 2005 Is...
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-11-26 03:08:51 +0000
Radio antenae or a winter vest.
Posted by Miriam on 2005-11-26 13:01:16 +0000
Ooh! Good ones. I'm with ya' on those, too. My car antenna's been broken for at least 7 years, and I was ogling the orange/gray down vest in LLBean. It only comes in men's sizes for some stupid reason. What? Women don't wear orange?!
<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-11-26 13:09:22 +0000
All of the above, please. And a private island.
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<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>
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