Playing it up
I've got to say that one of my favorite things about family holidays is the opportunity to play board games. I just trounced my grandma in Scrabble while at the same time collecting a block of properties in Monopoly. Not sure that I'll win that one, but it will be fun to try! My nephew left the board when he thought he was losing, to me, my sister, and my dad. It's hilarious. We're all ubercompetitive when it comes to these things. Maybe that's why we never played when I was growing up. Too bad; it's great now!
Then my mother retaliated by telling the attractive thanksgiving orphan about my biting stage. Could've been worse, though, I suppose. Could have been about the bedwetting stage.
<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>
<i>Thanksgiving is for turkeys.</i>