Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-02-02 05:36:07 +0000
He will cut your face!
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-02 17:01:57 +0000
thats the message I get when I put in the s/t ROIR album. Easily one of the best punkrock/hardore albums of all time (aside from 2x.05 on the .10)
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-13 20:32:40 +0000
Whoa. I've been reading this all day sporadically in between phone calls and processing. Very sad story with a tremendous amount of juicy punk rock detail.
Someone really has to pen the be all end all Black Flag tome.
Why to this day is Greg Ginn completely estranged not only from his former friends and bandmates but also Raymond Pettibon?
I have vague ideas from the legendary Negativland lawsuits and the sampled "I own it I control it" phonecall tirade on N.Land's <i>The letter U and the Numeral 2</i> (see the RSN Bono thread of more recent days for more)of Greg's nature, but not a whole lot of other specifics other than that he worked people into the ground.
Hank Rollins said in an interview from earlier this year he hadn't spoken to Ginn since 1987. Now there have to be some pretty huge specific dealbreakers that would set people this close that far apart. Probably none of the general public's beeswax, although that doesn't stop mist people's curiosity...
Posted by tgl on 2006-02-13 20:35:51 +0000
Today is Henry Rollins' 45th Birthday. I heard it on NPR.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-13 20:40:45 +0000
<a href="">2/13/61</a> (With apologies to G(lib)...)
<img src="">
Someone really has to pen the be all end all Black Flag tome.
Why to this day is Greg Ginn completely estranged not only from his former friends and bandmates but also Raymond Pettibon?
I have vague ideas from the legendary Negativland lawsuits and the sampled "I own it I control it" phonecall tirade on N.Land's <i>The letter U and the Numeral 2</i> (see the RSN Bono thread of more recent days for more)of Greg's nature, but not a whole lot of other specifics other than that he worked people into the ground.
Hank Rollins said in an interview from earlier this year he hadn't spoken to Ginn since 1987. Now there have to be some pretty huge specific dealbreakers that would set people this close that far apart. Probably none of the general public's beeswax, although that doesn't stop mist people's curiosity...
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