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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Super Bowl XL.....
Liquor name hall of fame
So, I played poker last night...
Naomi Peterson and SST.
What's More Annoying
Springtime in Nashville
Safe Pup
ISIS Motherfuckers, ISIS!
The Grand ole Docket
One of G.W Bush's better moments...
For the beautiful people
The Glob covers my brother
Drawing for Yankees tix...
Mission of Burma subscription series
'White Trash' Pride
New York on the Sox:
Honda Civic Choir
Miracle Johan
Ween and Curious George:
Asylum Street Spankers Appreesh
Three Prophet Muhammeds Walk Into A Bar
Grime Time
Brokeback To The Future
My New 60s Rock Collection Is Unstoppable
What Is Your Birthday Coop Poster?
Portable music poll:
Good Luck Mr. Ayler
Dear Bono:
Fellow WUNH DJ and UNH wind Symphony member Melissa Quinley...
Sly Stone
C4RT collector geeks
Dietary Restrictions
So Glad She Opened Her Mouth
Do we care that hockey has a scandal?
Nipper signed to Sox
Diary of an Ipod owner
And The Emmy (Hopefully) goes To:
It Took More Than A Month To Figure Out Buzzorhowl's handle
2006 Winter Olympics - Turino
um (for ned)
Jandek live in Austin 8/28/05
For all of the terrorists out there with shit for brains:
Drunk eBaying
Finally, somebody's taking the War on Terror seriously.
Ad Jingles
Duck Duct Goose
Dear Scott Stapp
CPFLMATT 2/13-4/2006
New Order biopic
Best Love Song
Mother Of All Duck Hunting Posts
What a Weekend
Abu Ghraib: Redux
The real life Branca Branca!
Long Voyage to India
A Pleasant Reminder That Email Should Be Checked Often
Burrito Max Closed
A Word Or Two On Email Lists
Bon voyage
the C4RT has landed
Truth and media bias past and present
So Yeah...First Strike?
CPFLMATT 2/20-1/06
Food for Thought
Three Arabs Sail Into Port
What's More Annoying
The Outfield
A Jew and a spic
Hebert Candy Mansion
Fans of Pamsterdam:
Those Little Glasses / Star Trek Predictor
Pitchfork can eat a dick on this one
Gaba Gaba Hey
Boob Scotch
Can I borrow C4[RT]'s time machine for an evening
The Fagen fagen
Norah Jones the Potty Mouth
No Baby for You!
Chinese Eternity
It's Time for the occasional Intermittent Jandek post
CPFLMATT 2/27-8/06
Ian Mackaye Q and A Dates
Back that Thang Up
Find me on github.