Three Prophet Muhammeds Walk Into A Bar
For the most part, I agreed with <a href="">Jacoby</a>, we are all Danes now.
I concede that the European press has been a bit antagonizing to the situation, but the skewering of a sacred cow should not result in a death threat. Unfortunately, it seems that Islamist regimes, even democratically elected ones (Palestine, Iraq?), are not up for allowing the rest of the world freedom of religion.
I generally reject the idea that "they hate us for who we are". There would seem to be no hope of winning the war on terror if that were the case. If they hate us for what we _do_, then it seems we can modify our actions to achieve peace, or at least show more transparency in our actions. We have reasons for our foreign policies, and reasonable parties should be able to comprehend them. If reasonable people can't comprehend them --say, providing military might to the crepuscular Saudi regime--- then maybe we shouldn't be pursuing those policies.
However, the cartoon incident does indeed seem to indicate they are starting to hate us for who we are. "Who we are" isn't a freedom loving peoples with big cars and big lawns and satellite TV. We are non-Muslim. That's a scary war.
There are some good points here. I just hope the hypocracy is small enough that things like <a href="">this</a> don't intimidate American media.
One thing I'm not worried about is the military taking action, on their own, in this country. The Oedipal desires of the Commander-in-Chief not withstanding.
Military Brass: Completely Cowed by Cheney & Rumsfeld Since Twenty Aught Aught.
Still waiting for a decent Muhammed knock knock joke.
you're half way there... just give us a punchline...
Look, I know that media are constantly intimidated; should they run a story critical of their parent company or business partner, for example. In a way this is a good thing, the constant push and pull of policies, politics, and ratings. However, I do have a problem with government interference, whether it be a letter to the editor from the Joint Chiefs, Ari "Watch what you say" Fleischer, or Bush summoning the editors of the NYTimes into the oval office telling them not to run a completely accurate story. It's a waste of their time and my tax $$, because in the end there is no basis for it.