Fifteen bux for <a href ="">collector scum heaven! </a>
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-03 12:19:41 +0000
You Rebel Scum!
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-09 03:31:29 +0000
got this email today, shit's gonna be tight!:
It has come to our attention that there are some questions regarding the Subscription Series. As we will be handling the shipping of this item for the Matador site, we'd like to make the issues as clear as possible.
1.) If you're receiving this email, yes you have placed an order for the series and you will be shipped your copies
2.) Yes the shipping is included on orders shipped in the U.S. Due to a processing error some orders were charged with the shipping fee included. If you have received
an email confirmation that cites a charge larger than $15.00 the excess will be credited back to your card.
3.) Matador has limited the number of subscriptions to one per person. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. This was the label's decision. Only one
copy will be shipped per order placed. Orders are not charged until they are processed. If you placed an order for multiple copies you will only be charged for one.
The final charge will replace the pre-authorization placed on your card at the time of ordering. If you've only ordered one copy then you need not worry about this issue.
4.) Unfortunately the way our system is set up, when an order is processed an email is sent with a shipping date matching the day it is processed. We have had to
process all orders earlier than the shipping date in order to ensure that the quantities sold match the quantity pressed. No subscriptions have shipped yet. <b><strong>These will start shipping mid-March </b></strong>.
I hope that this addresses some of the major issues concerning this item. If you have any questions or concerns not covered in this email please feel free to contact me.
Andy French
Customer Service
401 Broadway, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10013
212.777.8056 x2 (phone)
212.777.8059 (fax)
sound saver: indie rock classics under $10
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-09 03:54:11 +0000
I got mine, too. Yow!
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-10 17:21:57 +0000
Got all eight CD's today. the Prescott-penned one, #3, is the best so far.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-10 20:18:14 +0000
shit man - cant wait to run (umm I mean drive 1.15 hours) home to check the mailbox-
No Vinyl?
WTF? wasn'tthat the premise behind the whole thing?
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-11 06:49:56 +0000
Did you get yours?
Second listen: shit is awesome.
Posted by tgl on 2006-04-11 13:03:25 +0000
I ordered vinyl, they ship in 10 days or so. NP and I and the rest of the hahd coah community will have to wait it out.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-11 23:44:58 +0000
I thought the subscription was for both but I could be wrong - I guess vinyl it shall be.
After I have paid mssrs. burma for the recording on vinyl I can always soulseek the cds for my backup purposes anyhoo
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-12 00:39:54 +0000
I'm pretty sure the sub service is for both.
Posted by tgl on 2006-04-12 00:41:16 +0000
I've received nada, then.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-12 00:41:53 +0000
Did you guys get emails re: the series yesterday?
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-12 01:02:47 +0000
yes _ I got the email from Andy French from
Im pretty sure he said something about Pecan coffee being gay, too.
Posted by tgl on 2006-04-12 01:07:14 +0000
Not gay. Soul depriving.
Andy French and can be soul depriving too. I've got Plastikman "Tab One" on back order for, like, a year.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-12 03:50:18 +0000
We gotta bust out the old Adhesive X columns re: coffee.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-12 13:40:11 +0000
Adeshive X: Live Free Or Don't
adhesive X =lrf
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-13 01:01:26 +0000
got the discs. wicked excited.
however, just to be a prick, isnt the idea of a subscription series to hear one new song a week?
In less than 20 minutes, I've ripped all 8 tracks together and have a <i>The Obliterati</i> CDR album proper.
Dont get me wrong, I like it and would order it all over again, but maybe the postal logistics / time constraints / too many cooks in the kitchen turned this thing into a lumpsum delivery.
just another .02
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-13 18:28:01 +0000
'Nancy Reagan's Head' - I guess we can thank Ronald Reagan for the existence of M.O.B. as well.
Do you guys remember the joke (I wanna say Johnny Carson delivered it but I cant remember)"Nancy Reagan fell down an broke her hair"?
My strongest NR memory was of her milquetoast guest cameo on Diff'rnt Strokes where she tells Willis, Arnold, and co. to stay off drugs.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-04-13 18:31:03 +0000
The "Just say No" campaign. Warped/scarred me for life. Seriously.
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-13 09:57:09 +0000
I'm still expecting 12" versions of 'THERE'S A TIME AND PLACE TO PUNCTUATE' , anyone else?
Finally listened to each disc this morning. Am I just now realising that Bob Weston's connection is via Peter Prescott and Volcano Suns? Yes.
I like: Prescott's vocals, Miller's writing. Conley. What do I like that is recognizably Conley?
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-13 10:03:41 +0000
After just now listening to "2wice" I gotta hand it to Conley for writing as well.
The falsetto on "You Got The Style" is fine.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-13 11:41:06 +0000
I think Conley is a better writer than Miller is.
Still waiting on the hot slabs, too.
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-13 12:41:27 +0000
He did write their best song, "... Revolver".
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-19 17:32:41 +0000
The vinyl arrived today -- same eight songs that came on Cd's. The etchings look great.
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-19 17:40:27 +0000
I was a little miffed to get the email from Matador letting by the CD/DVD at a special discount before I have received all of the MOB Subscription Series pressings.
I probably won't purchase that DVD.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-19 17:48:26 +0000
I was, too, but hey, they tried something new. Ah well.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-19 19:41:25 +0000
I felt miffed too - it sounded like an apology letter, but it wasn't clear whether or not the vinyl was still in the equation. good to hear from the buzz that packages are shipping - it's weird that they couldn't have include the 3 word phrase'packages are shipping' in their e-mail...
the music is great, so I should cut them a little slack, but $9USD doesn't seem like a great discount as Im sure yr also handing out s/h money - at the end of the day you'd probably do better by picking it up on sale @ Newbury or other soul-less establishments that I will intentionally not mention
Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-20 17:52:08 +0000
The Post Office Shaft continues - Maybe they ship Buzz's "F" before MF Du's and TMBTC' s "L"...
Still no word on the Corwood package either...
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-20 18:41:03 +0000
Fuckin' Jandek.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-22 23:54:41 +0000
I now own 3 copies of the Nancy Reagan's head single:
1 Cd
2 etched Vinyl
yep, thats right, I got 12"'s 1-6 and two #8's. No 7's.
I find it slightly humorous and appropro that the easy-to-peg-as-conservative-nut-job guy on RSN ends up with triplicate copies of 'Nancy Reagan's Head".
Anyone out there with duplicate 7's want to trade?
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-23 00:11:55 +0000
Did not notice the CD in the brick of material from Insound. I will recheck. Today I received pakcages from UPS, DHL and USPS. Woop.
The etched vinyls are pretty slick, not sure I'll ever fully appreciate them. To reiterate prior sentiments: Too bad this subscription series came all in one load.
RE: Nancy Reagan's Head
Definitely a disappointing track title. Completely dated on the one hand and a bit offensive in a way that's sophomoric on the other.
Then again, by today's standards, Nancy Reagan is no conservative.
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-23 00:14:47 +0000
Was I supposed to get the CD with the subscription series, or was that a separate order?
Two #8s here as well.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-23 01:50:40 +0000
The only cd I was talking about were the 8 cd singles received about a month ago: 1 cd single + 2 duplicate vinyl singles = 3 copies of 'Nancy Reagan's Head'
I did the math on the discount from the Matador site: $2.99 for domestic US shipping which is just about the exact Newbury Comics price for said disc.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-24 03:42:29 +0000
A polite e-mail was drafted and sent to to the powers that be yesterday, and In Sound already responded! I am to mail back the dupe 12" - according to Andy French in the shipping dept - they have shipped out missing 12" #7...
ask and ye shall receive (hopefully)
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-24 05:56:07 +0000
I bought the CD at the Newbs today and was given an insert signed by the original three members.
It has come to our attention that there are some questions regarding the Subscription Series. As we will be handling the shipping of this item for the Matador site, we'd like to make the issues as clear as possible.
1.) If you're receiving this email, yes you have placed an order for the series and you will be shipped your copies
2.) Yes the shipping is included on orders shipped in the U.S. Due to a processing error some orders were charged with the shipping fee included. If you have received
an email confirmation that cites a charge larger than $15.00 the excess will be credited back to your card.
3.) Matador has limited the number of subscriptions to one per person. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. This was the label's decision. Only one
copy will be shipped per order placed. Orders are not charged until they are processed. If you placed an order for multiple copies you will only be charged for one.
The final charge will replace the pre-authorization placed on your card at the time of ordering. If you've only ordered one copy then you need not worry about this issue.
4.) Unfortunately the way our system is set up, when an order is processed an email is sent with a shipping date matching the day it is processed. We have had to
process all orders earlier than the shipping date in order to ensure that the quantities sold match the quantity pressed. No subscriptions have shipped yet. <b><strong>These will start shipping mid-March </b></strong>.
I hope that this addresses some of the major issues concerning this item. If you have any questions or concerns not covered in this email please feel free to contact me.
Andy French
Customer Service
401 Broadway, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10013
212.777.8056 x2 (phone)
212.777.8059 (fax)
sound saver: indie rock classics under $10
No Vinyl?
WTF? wasn'tthat the premise behind the whole thing?
Second listen: shit is awesome.
After I have paid mssrs. burma for the recording on vinyl I can always soulseek the cds for my backup purposes anyhoo
Im pretty sure he said something about Pecan coffee being gay, too.
Andy French and can be soul depriving too. I've got Plastikman "Tab One" on back order for, like, a year.
adhesive X =lrf
however, just to be a prick, isnt the idea of a subscription series to hear one new song a week?
In less than 20 minutes, I've ripped all 8 tracks together and have a <i>The Obliterati</i> CDR album proper.
Dont get me wrong, I like it and would order it all over again, but maybe the postal logistics / time constraints / too many cooks in the kitchen turned this thing into a lumpsum delivery.
just another .02
Do you guys remember the joke (I wanna say Johnny Carson delivered it but I cant remember)"Nancy Reagan fell down an broke her hair"?
My strongest NR memory was of her milquetoast guest cameo on Diff'rnt Strokes where she tells Willis, Arnold, and co. to stay off drugs.
Finally listened to each disc this morning. Am I just now realising that Bob Weston's connection is via Peter Prescott and Volcano Suns? Yes.
I like: Prescott's vocals, Miller's writing. Conley. What do I like that is recognizably Conley?
The falsetto on "You Got The Style" is fine.
Still waiting on the hot slabs, too.
I probably won't purchase that DVD.
the music is great, so I should cut them a little slack, but $9USD doesn't seem like a great discount as Im sure yr also handing out s/h money - at the end of the day you'd probably do better by picking it up on sale @ Newbury or other soul-less establishments that I will intentionally not mention
Still no word on the Corwood package either...
1 Cd
2 etched Vinyl
yep, thats right, I got 12"'s 1-6 and two #8's. No 7's.
I find it slightly humorous and appropro that the easy-to-peg-as-conservative-nut-job guy on RSN ends up with triplicate copies of 'Nancy Reagan's Head".
Anyone out there with duplicate 7's want to trade?
The etched vinyls are pretty slick, not sure I'll ever fully appreciate them. To reiterate prior sentiments: Too bad this subscription series came all in one load.
RE: Nancy Reagan's Head
Definitely a disappointing track title. Completely dated on the one hand and a bit offensive in a way that's sophomoric on the other.
Then again, by today's standards, Nancy Reagan is no conservative.
Two #8s here as well.
I did the math on the discount from the Matador site: $2.99 for domestic US shipping which is just about the exact Newbury Comics price for said disc.
ask and ye shall receive (hopefully)