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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2006-02-17 18:38:00 +0000

A Word Or Two On Email Lists

My ISP does not provide me with SMTP relaying. If I don't use the email address associated with my account. I have been using a relaying service, they just limit me to 150 (now 450) emails a day. Which seems like a lot, but you run through them fairly quickly when you host an email list with ~25 users. Ah well.

In order to get around the limit, I thought "I'll just send them emails directly, without no realy server". Which I've done, but now I'm reminded why I had to use the relaying the first place, some servers consider me a likely <a href="http://spamblock.outblaze.com/">spammer</a>. Nuts.

It might be time to move up to static IP. Funny thing is, it used to be _easy_ to get a static IP, now it's more difficult.

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