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Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-27 18:00:25 +0000

Chinese Eternity

<a href="http://www.spin.com/features/news/2006/02/060223_gunsnroses/">Spin</a> drops a Pitchfork-ish zinger:

"We don't know how Reed's family celebrates Christmas, but for most people on earth, there are 24 hours between December 23 and Christmas Eve, not ten years."

c'mon axl rose, shit, or get off the pot.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-27 18:12:16 +0000
My review of My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless':

You hate to think of Axl Rose and Kevin Shields in the same mental breath, but let’s face it- the two most anticipated albums of the nineties (and, now, the new millennium) were/are ‘Chinese Democracy’ and whatever the follow-up to ‘Loveless’ is. And we both know that neither of ‘em will ever happen, but we continue to anticipate and sit on the edge of our seats and wait with baited breath. The Red Sox winning the World Series last year just makes it worse (or better, I suppose)- if that can happen, then ANYTHING can happen! Both records will be released on the SAME DAY, the day that the goddamn CUBS win it all! Gas prices fall on that day, a perfect sixty-five degrees and sunny with a light breeze, as everyone gets time-and-a-half for hanging out in the park eating gelato. It’s gonna rule.

I’m not a betting man, but if I had to put odds down on which of the two records would be finished first, I’d say that it’s about even. I tend to think that Axl is never going to get his follow-up done because he’s way too busy snorting ______ and drinking _______ to get his increasingly fatter ass into the studio. The recent tour was certainly a hopeful sign for G n’ R fans, but then both the band and the new songs sucked, Buckethead or no. If nothing else, the tour generated enough cash to keep ol’ Axl in piles of whatever for another few years. When he runs out of money again, do you think it’ll be another tour, or the long-awaited album?

Kevin Shields, the mastermind behind My Bloody Valentine, succeeded in creating a gorgeous, absolutely seminal guitar album, the likes of which will never be seen again. ‘Loveless’ was released in 1990, before the advent of ProTools and all. Lord knows how Shields got the sounds he did out of guitars, what combination of pedals and amps he used to wrench these sheets of extraterrestrial static out of six strings, but he did it. If you listen to the legends (which you do, admit it), he’s been holed up in some studio with like a razorblade and some tape, painstakingly splicing the next record together. The dude’s a perfectionist- can he ever construct the record that he hears in his mind? Has he driven himself mad like a latter-day Brian Wilson? Is he pissed off at Sonic Youth for crankin’ ‘em out? Ask him if you see him.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-27 19:22:14 +0000
chortle inducing

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