'White Trash' Pride
So if <a href="http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7002216935">Britney Spears is preggers again</a>, why not go all out with the trailer trash personna?
What would happen if she had like 6 kids in 7 years, and then put out the come-back album?
Seriously, would we have totally forgotten about her, or would it be exactly what the double-wide ordered? Except for Kid Rock, has anyone gone this route? The potential is sky high.
Honestly, I have more respect for Spears now, than at any other time ever.
Seriously, who's more trashy? Tara Reid? Is anyone else even in the running?
Look at that picture. It's the would be emo Lynyrd Skynyrd album cover.
But hey, it's a paparazzi photo; they always exaggerate celebrities physical imperfections, like cellulite, scars, wrinkles, or baby.
<img src="http://a123.g.akamai.net/f/123/12465/1d/media.canada.com/8c8b3290-2b08-4dc6-8e3e-2cc645fdfe05/080104_spears.jpg">
It's like a '73 Pinto going 75 mph into a concrete wall.
Now back to work.
I'm only human.