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Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-08 19:07:29 +0000

Good Luck Mr. Ayler

I know Public Enemy said it best with "Who Gives A Fuck About a Goddam Grammmy" But , still: Albert Ayler! Gorillaz /De La Soul / dangermouse! < ahref="http://www.grammy.com/GRAMMY_Awards/Annual_Show/48_nominees.aspx#10">Dave Douglas! A little bit of hope shines throught the bullshit sometimes, albeit in mostly lesser known, more obscure categories.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-08 19:10:37 +0000
some of the links I didn't send to the correct anchors. If you scroll up and down, there a few cool names here and there. I also just saw Burt Bacharach, Stevie wonder, and Foo Fighters / Norah Jones... I think the last time I saw the grammy awards was in 1988 when Jethro Tull beat out Metallica's 'And Justice For All' for Hard rock album of the year. heh.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-08 20:19:02 +0000
More about Holy Ghost...

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-09 13:13:34 +0000
No win for Ayler, Douglas, or Dangermouse. Why am I not surprised?

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