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tome cusp
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-02-21 13:40:53 +0000

Truth and media bias past and present

From <i>Private Practice: The Journal of Socio-Economic Medicine</i>, February 1975.

"Those who put their faith in the <i>New York Times</i>, Senator Kennedy, or the United Nations think the Republic of South Africa is a police state fueled by racism.

As in so many other cases, however, the fairminded visitor soon learns that the <i>Times</i>, Kennedy, and the United Nations are less than objective.

The RSA is--alone in Africa--a thriving parliamentary democracy with the only free press on the continent. A flourishing free-enterprise system has provided all of the people with a high standard of living. And the obvious racial harmony surprises an American grown used to Detroit and New York, not to speak of South Boston.

Why then all the vilification? For two reasons: South Africa is a whopping success, and attracts for that reason envy and hatred. And because it has not adopted one-man, one vote racial integration."

Or, just because the <i>Times</i>, Kennedy, and the United Nations have their problems, it doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't right. Just something to think about.

Posted by tgl on 2006-02-21 13:45:05 +0000
Nothing maintains racial harmony like the whip, eh?

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