Three Arabs Sail Into Port
Schumer and Frist are making me a bit queasy. I'm wondering how much is a legitimate concern about a <a href="">foreign country</a> running out ports, and how much is straight up xenophobia.
Bush vetoing any legislation in order to preserve this deal might be eyebrow raising considering the holding company in UAE has close connections with the Bush Dynasty, er, the Bush family. Although, it's probably hard to find any global oil corporation that does not have business dealings with some member of the Bush family these days.
I guess I'd like opposition to this deal to be based on facts, not on generalized fear of "the other". Which is not how it seems to be panning out, alas.
I love it! My new favorite phrase!
I don't care what "message it sends," but doe sit make sense overall? Carter is for it, so it has to be a viable international move.
1. Is this "unnecessary political theater" to divert attention from other issues?
2. Is it another way of Bush trying to re-focus the public's fear of another US attack, in order to gain support of the "war on terror"?
3. Is it Bush's way of saying "I'm not a bad guy!" to Arabs?
4. Is Dubai's owning the ports good for the Bush Oil Cartel?
3 is the main reason for this, with the added bonus of 1, 2, and 4 (along with a million other things I haven't thought of)
And speaking of energy, What about 'corn cars'? Not to beat a dead horse, but has anyone noticed the number of commericals that came out the day after Bush's State of The union Address?
Corn, treated and processed with petrochemicals (bread directly into Bush's pockets) IS NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND!!!