I don't care how much Third World debt you wipe out, I don't care how many records/iPods you sell, and I certainly don't care how many goddamn Grammys you win- I still can't stand you. Fuck off.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-02-09 06:03:42 +0000
I like a couple songs during the Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum era...
We don't have to like him, but at least he's fighting the good fight.
Posted by Bono on 2006-02-09 06:17:46 +0000
Och, yer jest jealous of me! Fook off yerself an all that!
P.S. All yer women belong to me!
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-09 07:19:31 +0000
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you, sir, to go have sex with yourself. And after you're done with that, meet me in the steel cage. One fall.
Posted by Bono on 2006-02-09 08:09:55 +0000
Been there, done that, auctioned off the bloody t-shirt for charity, boy-o. I've been where the streets got <strong>no name</strong>, ye gobshite!
Bring it on, ye Queeb!
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-09 08:52:04 +0000
Soon-to-be-even-more-Historic 3 Wadsworth, Monday. You can afford the airfare, fucker!
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-09 16:03:08 +0000
with apologies to lrf:
bono is so not awesome.
Posted by The Edge on 2006-02-09 16:37:52 +0000
Fuck yeah, he is!
You can all dislike m' mates music, but he's spot on.
Look at yer fuckin' Superbowl XL. Could the Mick and the Stones have been any worse? Like it or not, we got the biggest & best band on the planet.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-09 16:48:21 +0000
If by <i> the biggest & best band on the planet </i> you mean those bands which are populated by assmasters and wankers, no arguments here...
With all these fake U2 registrations on 02/09, Where is the <i> Ed.</i> censor when we need him?
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-02-09 17:03:24 +0000
I could resist commenting if Bono wasn't the biggest, most pompous POSEUR in the world. If he wants to fight the good fight, he should stop charging $100 for a concert ticket, quit the band and move to Africa, and TRY to actually do some good.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-02-09 17:07:46 +0000
Please Please Please,Bono:
Move to Africa and help a poverty stricken town with no electricity for tv camera satellite cable feeds... disappear... we beg you!
Posted by The Edge on 2006-02-09 17:16:07 +0000
Guess you are all jealous.
We make money off of our music and use it for good causes. Problems?
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-02-09 17:36:16 +0000
OK, point of contention:
Do people think Bono is _not_ trying to do good? He is evil and wakes up thinking of ways to fuck shit up?
Or is it that people on rs.n think helping African countries with debt is bad? (Because I'm on the fence here. Not only is it bad for world markets, but it could be viewed as racist - I don't really want to get into this.)
Bono and G.W. Bush are a lot alike, I think. They want to try to do good, but they have been so misguided that they have no idea how to go about it.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-02-09 17:59:28 +0000
-I can't get over the irrational hunch that all of the African debt, etc. is just a device to get lame-o's to buy U2 CD's/concert tickets/iPods (first people ever to have a signiture model computer? U2). None of this shit happens when they're NOT touring, dig? Only when a record's out.
-In a lot of circles, saying that you dislike U2 is the equivilent of saying that you don't support our troops.
-I have seen U2's live show, and a pandering mess of quasi-political signifiers.
Posted by Bono on 2006-02-09 18:07:45 +0000
Fook orf, ye so-called professor of punk! Ha!
An buy <a href="http://www.edun.ie/">me fookin' clothes</a> as well, ye big nonce!
I was very close to applying for a job as a regional organizer with his One campaign before I took the job I have in Nashville. I think he's at the very least trying to bring attention to things most folks in the Northern Hemisphere don't think about except when Sally Struthers brings it up on late-night infomercials guilting them into "adopting" starving children in places they wouldn't dream of visiting or helping in other ways.
We don't have to like him, but at least he's fighting the good fight.
P.S. All yer women belong to me!
Bring it on, ye Queeb!
bono is so not awesome.
You can all dislike m' mates music, but he's spot on.
Look at yer fuckin' Superbowl XL. Could the Mick and the Stones have been any worse? Like it or not, we got the biggest & best band on the planet.
With all these fake U2 registrations on 02/09, Where is the <i> Ed.</i> censor when we need him?
Move to Africa and help a poverty stricken town with no electricity for tv camera satellite cable feeds... disappear... we beg you!
We make money off of our music and use it for good causes. Problems?
Do people think Bono is _not_ trying to do good? He is evil and wakes up thinking of ways to fuck shit up?
Or is it that people on rs.n think helping African countries with debt is bad? (Because I'm on the fence here. Not only is it bad for world markets, but it could be viewed as racist - I don't really want to get into this.)
Bono and G.W. Bush are a lot alike, I think. They want to try to do good, but they have been so misguided that they have no idea how to go about it.
-In a lot of circles, saying that you dislike U2 is the equivilent of saying that you don't support our troops.
-I have seen U2's live show, and a pandering mess of quasi-political signifiers.
An buy <a href="http://www.edun.ie/">me fookin' clothes</a> as well, ye big nonce!
<img src="http://chronicle.augusta.com/images/headlines/032005/46260_512.jpg"></src>
<img width=500 src="http://www.aeroclub-ailerons.com/galeries/2003/Duxford/53%20-%20Duxford%202003%20-%20B52%20+%20U2.JPG">
<a href="http://negativland.com/audiogadgets.html">Fuck Snuggles.</a>