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i ride sideways
Posted by Miriam on 2006-02-20 22:56:20 +0000


Okay, maybe it's just me, but I've been watching a lot of Flip That House lately and have noticed a lot of cosmetic stuff in the houses I looked at yesterday.

That's not to say I'm not falling for the tile in the kitchen and bathroom and the fancy whirlpool tubs I could live in or the fireplaces with the options of gas logs or the hardwood floors or bungalow look in general.

Enough of words. Take a look at the kind of housing I'm considering buying in the next few months...with any luck!

<a href=http://www.cyber360.com/Listings/ListingsE/ListingDetails.asp?MLS=736859&EMAIL=none> This </a> one was amazing...except for the buckling floors and the lack of closet space. It's in a transitioning neighborhood, though, with rehabs all along it and a new build at the end of the block. There will be lofts on the corner with shops on the first floor and a wings place on the opposite corner, along with a laundromat...soon. When I toured the house, the president of the neighborhood association happened along and told me about how great the street is and how much he'd like me to move there. Very hard to turn down that kind of welcome!

Posted by Miriam on 2006-02-20 23:04:32 +0000
The first <a href=http://www.cyber360.com/Listings/ListingsE/ListingDetails.asp?MLS=741150&EMAIL=none> one </a> I saw yesterday was even better, if a little smaller and with less character. Then again, it had great arches between the living and dining rooms and kitchen. The downside was the too small for a washer/dryer washer/dryer closet. That might be fixable, though. Love the area. Easy drive to work (20-25 minutes).

All about East Nashville again!

Posted by G lib on 2006-02-21 13:00:03 +0000
Fuckin' A Miriam! These places are awesome!

Posted by Miriam on 2006-02-21 19:14:54 +0000
Seriously. I can't wait to have to move out of my current place! As long as I can get good financing and money for a downpayment.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-03-14 21:29:39 +0000
So, both these houses have been sold...and not to me. Still on the lookout for a crib to call my own. In the meantime, I'm going to put in a garden at my bro's place for my neice and I to play in. Going to rent a tiller and everything! Don't know how I'll get it there, but that's another post for another day.

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