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Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-07-19 04:15:17 +0000

Record review of the week

"Lets get one thing straight- I hate Turntable Lab. They suck. They dig through your crates, pick the hottest shit, order it- and sell it to every fucking geek in Kansas. With that said, I gotta give it up to Bozo Meko, cause this record is the shit. I was probably wearing Spidey Man undies and pissin in my bed when this shit came out, but I gotta review it. Word is that Mark the 45 King did all this edits on here, but I'm not positive. The A side is just "The Bridge Is Over": 3 mixes, who cares. Flip it over for the real. "Brazillian Rhyme(1)," the EW&F classic, gets edited and extended, making it one of the top 5 feel-good party songs of all time. I swear by this shit. Next is the classic Take 6 "Spread Love(2)" remixed with those infamous drums. Finally, we get a re-edit of Mandrill's "Fence Walk," a dope cut that gets too wild to mix if you play the original, here walla re-edited for easier mixing. I can't say enough about how essential this record is (sorry no crap about other Bozo releases and how rare they are).

reviewed by Roc"

coming to a wedding soon...near you...

Posted by MF DU on 2006-07-19 13:12:06 +0000
thank you , dearest jbcardinale for turning me on to the ttlab.

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