*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
goddamn hungarian kezboard
Germany beats Italy 2-0, France beats Portugal 1-0, France beats Germany for the Cup 1-0.
The Wadsie Awards
CPFLM(@)T July 3th-4th 2006
Something for everyone and Someone for everyone
The Best Fireworks Ever ?
Rotten in Hell, Asshole
I havent been posting to RSN because
Midnight Vultures - Beck
Super Mario Bros in under 5 minutes
Super Zidane!
Wanna fight Zidane?
A third Zidane post
YES! The Prudes lost!
Stoves show, July 29, Abbey
CPFLM(@)T 7/10-1/06
how bought them red sox
Syd Barrett, RIP
Have A Nice Day
Sonic Youth Alert
Bonds being Indicted?
Thom Yorke watch
People die. I keep it low.
Panel Discussion with Red Sox Player(s)
Mr. Rogers = Badass.
Weezer R.I.P.
Return of the Dirty People
Check out my New Car
Peeping Tom / Gnarls Barkley
Corwood 0785
A hot dog in a bun.
07/16/06: Wilco live @ Florence, MA Look Park's Pines Theater
"Revere Beach Sand Sculptures saved my Life"
CPFLM(@)T 7/17-8/06
find me a job
For you cyclists out there...
Record review of the week
Ride the lightning!
Whatcha doing on Christmas Day?
New cringe-worthy word...
You know it's hot when...
Jackass: Number Two
Baseball note for 7/19/06:
Phoenix article...
Mid East
(Old )Helmet + Handsome + Jets To Brazil + Orange 9mm + =
Hillenbrand To The Giants
" In On The Kill Taker" apreesh
picked up pieces from july
C4RT Paradise Report 07/22/06
Shellac / Uzeda
CPFLM(@)T 7/24-5/06
Happy Birthday Pamsterdam!
10 D Will Be Proud
Geek heaven:
The latest craze:
Fishing is Fun
Fox Newscasting Trickery
i admit i'm biased
ozzfest tickets. no, really, i have 2 that i want to get rid of.
Good Glob stuff today
Eliza and Ned's Wedding
The Fifty Best Movie Endings
Slayer apreesh post
After the "explicit" lyrics only version of Straight Outta Compton
"Man, early 30s"
More measles!
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