Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-07-20 14:42:41 +0000
Phoenix article...
<a href="">...about some of us up in this piece here.</a>
Posted by Miriam on 2006-07-20 15:32:44 +0000
Nice. Very nice.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-07-20 17:45:39 +0000
NWA and the Doobie Brothers.
I can see Michael McDonald having a Brew or two with Dr. Dre.
Posted by Rory_Stark on 2006-07-21 03:09:28 +0000
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
Posted by Rory_Stark on 2006-07-21 03:12:09 +0000
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
Posted by Rory_Stark on 2006-07-21 03:14:10 +0000
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-07-21 04:11:40 +0000
I don't think it was NWA -- betcha it was Fi5e.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-07-21 09:21:56 +0000
Everybody get up. Fi5e will make you get down. Now.
Nice article. It made Rory seem so <i>sincere</i>.
Posted by Rory_Stark on 2006-07-21 13:13:44 +0000
Woah, 3 times.
Thats what happens with spotty internet.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-07-21 13:16:08 +0000
trip posts rule
Posted by mr. mister on 2006-07-21 16:48:51 +0000
So I go to the Boston Phoenix to see what shows are going on this weekend and there is a picture of Rory screaming! Alright!
Posted by tgl on 2006-07-22 11:12:33 +0000
"We’re there to make you remember where you were." As sincere as Bono, I'd say.
I can see Michael McDonald having a Brew or two with Dr. Dre.
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
He really got to the nitty gritty,
I feel
If you feel like thanking Will for demeaning
and undermining something I pour my heart and soul into every god damn day you can hit him here.
Nice article. It made Rory seem so <i>sincere</i>.
Thats what happens with spotty internet.