Let's hear a report (I wouldn't refuse pics, either, if you do that sort of thing...)!
Posted by tgl on 2006-07-23 22:42:47 +0000
After my six hour nap, I arrived to catch the last C4RT song. Rory Stark told me after the show that the name of the song was something like "Tripping My Face Off". I did. I think the turnout was lower than people had expected (hoped?) Which is too bad, as it sounded like the show was meant to "prove" to Paradise booking that a local show could draw enough people for their big room. It's definitely a great venue, except for that pole in the middle of the floor, center stage.
I spent the rest of the night jaw dropped, with hysterical wide-eyed "Did he just say that?" guffawing looks to Glib and AHBagley to the performance of <a href="http://www.roadsteamer.com">Robby Roadsteamer</a>.
Posted by G lib on 2006-07-24 13:16:07 +0000
My take:
The first band was pretty bad. They had all of the elements to make a good band-- pretty good singer, talented musicians, and an okay sound, but they just fell completely flat.
I've seen Glasseye a bunch before, including, apparently his first show with Hip Tanaka at the Sky Bar. Adam and I talked about it before the show. I always liked looking at the crowd (they're all dressed up-- mowhawks, pleather, striped tights, riding crops, dreads), but never liked his music. Last night I learned to like it. I paid attention to the lyrics, and the passion with which he sang them, and almost (but not quite) shelled out the $10 to buy his album. Holly and M@ from HUMANWINE sang with them a few songs-- always a hit.
C4RT was fantastic, as usual. I heard some youngish hip girls talking after the show about how you need to put Falconer dancing at the front of the stage more frequently. That's not surprising, really, as he's always a hit with the ladies! And Rory, did you really pass out?
I think that the turnout was actually pretty good-- not The Streets first US tour full, but pretty goddamn good. BQ, do you have the numbers?
The mixture of crowds-- the DudeGuys from Methuen, the Fancy Cabaret kids, and the C4RT dorks really made the show.
An anectdote-- Glasseye told me that many of his fans, when hearing that they were playing at a Roadsteamer show, told him that they had no interest in coming-- maybe because of bad blood from the 2005 rumble, or they were too SERIOUS or hipster to get into the comedy. They really missed out. I thought it was the best part of the night. It was almost like going to Ralph's and seeing all of the biker kids, the goth kids, the hipster kids, and the rock kids all sitting next to each other at the bar. Spectacular.
A genious idea. Was it Robbie's? Or yours, BQ or Rory? Or a combination?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-07-24 14:20:12 +0000
thanks for taking the time g lib.
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-07-24 14:27:15 +0000
It was Robby's idea.
I think artistically it was a success. It is pathetic to hear that the Glasseye fans were too immature to come out because, in the end, they lost out on a handful of inspired performances. (Rumor has it, Adam's changing their name to disassociated themselves with those close-minded fans.)
Financially, it was a flop. Just under 400 people paid (with guest lists, it was way over), and as far as I could tell, there was mucho mucho drinking going on, so the bar made lotsa scratch. Yet, they felt it was completely within their right to charge us (wait for it) $4000 for the room. The bands were paid a whopping cumulative $700 to be split amongst the 4 of us. Frustrating--because we were trying to pave the way for other local acts to prove it could be done financially for everyone. Still seems only sound for the Lions Club.
I take umbrage that people call our fans "dorks." As far as I can tell, there wasn't one "dork" out there on Saturday.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-07-24 14:30:22 +0000
do these guys think they're the new Roxy?
Posted by tgl on 2006-07-24 14:42:59 +0000
I forgot to mention that Rory Stark blacked out and fell down backwards between the drum kit and a monitor during the last song. When I checked the crowd reaction, everyone seemed to think it was part of the show. At first I thought it was part of the show, then I thought he must have been time travelling during the guitar solo, which is pretty kickass, then I thought "I hope he's OK".
I think he is.
My first Rev. Glasseye performance, I've been meaning to see him. Reminds me of Tom Waits for some reason. Really impassioned vocals, although the "calypso" music got to be less interesting towards the end.
I spent the rest of the night jaw dropped, with hysterical wide-eyed "Did he just say that?" guffawing looks to Glib and AHBagley to the performance of <a href="http://www.roadsteamer.com">Robby Roadsteamer</a>.
The first band was pretty bad. They had all of the elements to make a good band-- pretty good singer, talented musicians, and an okay sound, but they just fell completely flat.
I've seen Glasseye a bunch before, including, apparently his first show with Hip Tanaka at the Sky Bar. Adam and I talked about it before the show. I always liked looking at the crowd (they're all dressed up-- mowhawks, pleather, striped tights, riding crops, dreads), but never liked his music. Last night I learned to like it. I paid attention to the lyrics, and the passion with which he sang them, and almost (but not quite) shelled out the $10 to buy his album. Holly and M@ from HUMANWINE sang with them a few songs-- always a hit.
C4RT was fantastic, as usual. I heard some youngish hip girls talking after the show about how you need to put Falconer dancing at the front of the stage more frequently. That's not surprising, really, as he's always a hit with the ladies! And Rory, did you really pass out?
I think that the turnout was actually pretty good-- not The Streets first US tour full, but pretty goddamn good. BQ, do you have the numbers?
The mixture of crowds-- the DudeGuys from Methuen, the Fancy Cabaret kids, and the C4RT dorks really made the show.
An anectdote-- Glasseye told me that many of his fans, when hearing that they were playing at a Roadsteamer show, told him that they had no interest in coming-- maybe because of bad blood from the 2005 rumble, or they were too SERIOUS or hipster to get into the comedy. They really missed out. I thought it was the best part of the night. It was almost like going to Ralph's and seeing all of the biker kids, the goth kids, the hipster kids, and the rock kids all sitting next to each other at the bar. Spectacular.
A genious idea. Was it Robbie's? Or yours, BQ or Rory? Or a combination?
I think artistically it was a success. It is pathetic to hear that the Glasseye fans were too immature to come out because, in the end, they lost out on a handful of inspired performances. (Rumor has it, Adam's changing their name to disassociated themselves with those close-minded fans.)
Financially, it was a flop. Just under 400 people paid (with guest lists, it was way over), and as far as I could tell, there was mucho mucho drinking going on, so the bar made lotsa scratch. Yet, they felt it was completely within their right to charge us (wait for it) $4000 for the room. The bands were paid a whopping cumulative $700 to be split amongst the 4 of us. Frustrating--because we were trying to pave the way for other local acts to prove it could be done financially for everyone. Still seems only sound for the Lions Club.
I take umbrage that people call our fans "dorks." As far as I can tell, there wasn't one "dork" out there on Saturday.
do these guys think they're the new Roxy?
I think he is.
My first Rev. Glasseye performance, I've been meaning to see him. Reminds me of Tom Waits for some reason. Really impassioned vocals, although the "calypso" music got to be less interesting towards the end.