(Old )Helmet + Handsome + Jets To Brazil + Orange 9mm + =
(New)<a href ="http://www.helmetmusic.com"><b>Helmet</b></a>
Page Hamilton (ld g , vx)
Jeremy Chatelain (b)
Chris Traynor (g)
Mike Jost (d)
as recorded by Wharton Tiers (Glenn Branca, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur, Jr., Unsane, Gumball, Quicksand, Shudder to Think, Run On)
I wasnt too too impressed with Helmet's 2004 comeback on Interscope (anyone hear of their new label 'Warcon' before? Sounds like a demotion, but how the hell would I know?), but the new lineup coupled w/ W. Tiers makes me curious.
I <i><b>still</i></b> miss Hamilton's Coltranesque "Sheets of Sound" guitar solo approach it was always more layering and texturing w/ him as opposed to noodling with a simple rock melody.
I guess the brick shit house rhythm section didnt hurt, either...
On a side note, when do we hold this asshole responsible for nu metal?
A completely pointless exercise.
I don't see Fred Durst being versatile enough to score films, hold his own with artists completely across the landscape such as David Bowie,Trent Reznor, and Caspar Brotzmann, and I certainly don't see the peers that Durst worked with going on in Durst's bands to interesting cult bands such as Handsome or BATTLES.
I'd love to hear some of Grillo's stories from their tour, but holding Hamilton responsible for anything other than creating some interesting music seems silly to me.
On second thought, maybe we could tar and feather Hamilton for nu metal, Dr. Dre for west coast funk, and every single band that has ever come within 10 miles of emo.
Note: I'm mostly kidding... I don't think Page Hamilton nefariously set out to spawn nu-metal as we know it today for the sole purpose of annoying me. Ditto for say, holding Misters Harley and Davidson responsible for "the bitch fell off" t-shirts. Still, though, if it weren't for them...
Aside -- am I alone in thinking that FNM was <b>WAY</b> better when Chuck Mosely was their singer?
tommy, will you please peel that t-shirt off a bottle blond roadkill for me at some point? I'd never seen one before, but I REALLY want one.
I saw Mosley in 1990 - he had an ultra brief stint with bad brains while the brothers Hudson (HR and Earl) were off doing whatever crazy things that they do- they had a gig @ Boston's defunct Channel nightclub with Slapshot and Sam Black Church.
I was 16 and my dad dropped me off.
Would I do the same for Maddie? that was a scary crowd for a 16 yr old...
still - a lot of fun.
I think FNM should have changed their name with the lineup change, as they had vastly different sounds. We Care A Lot and Introduce Yourself are both excellent albums, but The Real Thing was one of the best albums of its time, and Angel Dust is better.
Besides, Mike Patton wouldn't have the liberty to do all the shit that he does now without the cred (deserved or not) he got from FNM, and for that alone we should thank them.
What, you've never been to Hampton Beach?
We have a lot of tarring and feathering to do!
<b>All assholes</b>:
-Helmet / House of Pain
-Teenage Fan Club / De La Soul
-Living Colour / RUN DMC
-Biohazard / ONYX
-Slayer / ICE T
-Sonic Youth / Cypress Hill
-Mudhoney / Sir Mix a Lot
-Dinosaur JR / DEL The Funky Homosapien
-Therapy? / Fatal
-Pearl Jam / Cypress Hill
I also had the "Street Legal" version. If I remember correctly, I traded it for a frozen cake at a party in Billerica.
Not as bad as I expected.
I heard the 2nd track - it reminded me of real early 'Strap It On' era Helmet.
is better than I expected it to be.
Some of the tangential guitar stuff, usually occurring in the middle of a song in place of the traditional rock star guitar solo, is still here as it was back in the day.
Some of the vocals are kinda so-so and some of the lyrics are plain bad - I cant remember the name of the specific song I'm thinking of, but it starts naming planets and stars - I couldn't get into it.
The second cut reminds me of anything from 'Strap It On' and it instanly connected.
All in all if you like 'Meantime' and 'Strap it On' before the more experimental Betty, I would reccomend it.
Jackie is in hell. (Luckily she was gone for a good part of the weekend - I tried to show Maddie some Drop D tuning...)