ozzfest tickets. no, really, i have 2 that i want to get rid of.
so my deadbeat sister asked me to get her and her friends tickets for this year's ozzfest on my credit card, and i did, and now only her and one of her butthead-esque friends have come up with the money. i've got the second pair on ebay and craigslist, but seeing as how the crap ass show is not even sold out at this point, i think they may not sell. anyone who might be interested in taking them last minute, as in monday night, let me know and i'll hook it up or something. although i don't think that tickets to ozzfest are really any kind of a hook up. i think the only reason one might want to attend is that dragonforce is playing. yay.
Nu Metal doesn't just come to you - you have to go to it! ;)