I'm playing in NYC tomorrow but no-one from here will know
Cuz I just signed up.
But I'll be playing in NYC at 9pm and if that fascinates you, you should go check out <a href="http://www.theluxuryband.com">this website</a> which is my band which will be playing. It's a free show. All the info is over at that site.
Can't make it to NYC though.
We'll be back in the city on Friday, March 23rd. Piano's.
Cecil Taylor / John Zorn's Masada <a href="http://www.jazzatlincolncenter.org/concerts/details.asp?EventID=952">Jazz at Lincoln Center</a>
Musical wanderlust will be satisfied.
If Jimi Hendrix could only come back to life on the condition that he play at Mcdonalds - I would cheerfully go there to see a show.
True, it's not the Model or Johnny D's - but the roster trumps the venue utterly and completely.
yr probably right about the house that Wynton built, but I think it should be a good time.
wow - I totally hijacked this thread. sorry.
March 23rd, Piano's. See, it's still useful to me too.