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tome cusp
C4(RT) at The Model 2/28/07
Two in a row!
Adding to the Grants...
Campaign For Real Time?
I'm playing in NYC tomorrow but no-one from here will know
Flag Cab
Svenonious vs. MacKaye
New Favorite Combo
peace we out
For those interested in this sort of thing...
Chocolate Krispy Kreme Donut
Funniest headline of the day
We All Love Ennio Morricone
Hannaford & The Heartstoppers @ 7 Farrington 3/3/07
Will it be...
Bowie Immersion #8: "Diamond Dogs" (1974)
Immersion Poll: Should the next record be.....
Worst sportscast ever.
booked it, packed it, fucked off
Do the "Huh? Say What?" Thing
For the three of you who care
The firing of judges
White Out
Just when you thought it couldn't get any geekier....
Robb Corddry's The Winner
Notes on a Scandal
The ______________ immersion thread...
Power Outage
hey theduane
Why we aren't winning in Iraq.
Just when I thought I was out...
Herky Jerky Dancer
Who would you rather see as President?
I thought this was for something else
Feature Pimpin'
When eating hoodsies you:
BTO-- slumming with the local news station
Hey Pamsterdam
Citizen Kane: Lookout
Potent sperm.
Excellent Italian Greyhound
A moment of silence, please
RIP Brad Delp
Bowie Immersion #9: "David Live" (1974)
more dogs
Rideside NCAA Bracketology
"If this government wants to listen in on my phone conversations, go for it!"
RIP Richard Jeni
Apartment available in the casa di Chipcagni
Now that the Music Specific Retail Stores Are All But Dead...
Cecil Taylor and (RIP) - John Zorn's Masada
CPFLM(@)T 3/12-3/07
The fifty greatest local TV commercials
Mushroom Cloud
Fantasy baseball: How many teams?
What should my poster at the Justin Timberlake concert read?
Twin Donuts vs Dunkies
Subar-me? Subaru!
Floss and lightbulbs
Ultimate Breaks and Beats
Can't Wait for the new EL-P
Judy Giuliani
View From The Cube
Cancer of the psuedonym.
Bowie Immersion #10: "Young Americans" (1975)
Vote Sanjaya
Highlights of Birthday Weekend
For all you Freaks and Geeks fans...
Jean Rinker
New Slint?
geek help needed
Eat More Cake
What is your personality?
CPFLM(@)T 3/19-20/07
Missing wallet
Termites? Not in MY house!
No way!
Couch surfing is a sport, right?
I Hate Huckabees
Speaking of politics...
Fantasy baseball: Autodraft
My new favorite tool
NE Mini Golf Tour 2007
Little Shop of Horrors
Papelbon: Closer
Israel v England
Kill 'Em All
Anyone need a roommate? This guy might be for you
Bowie Immersion #11: "Station To Station" (1976)
This Friday, WZBC....
Wild Life
Oh Shit!
Does the sputtering in my lawn mower mean...
For Ten Diamonds
Down In Front!
Hey Riotous Nutjob
If You Still Aren't Convinced that Stevland Morris Is Awesome
Respect Beer
Bus 442 -- 11:33pm from Wonderland, Revere, MA
The name thread
The what-it-does thread
Follow the Bouncing Ball
Rumble picks
Further Evidence Of Bono's Lack Of Focus In creating Good Music
From Miriam
This is way better not knowing who posted what.
I saw Jon Lovitz
About that "ironic scent..."
First Strike
Chocolate Jesus
OK - Now I'm Angry With the Patriot Act
Hey Riotous Nutjob
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