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tome cusp
Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-03-30 12:57:33 +0000

Chocolate Jesus

"One of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever." And chocolate bunnies are somehow in tune with Christian sensibilities? I say put the Jesus back in Easter. My Sweet Lord, indeed.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-30 13:06:42 +0000
The real tragedy here is that milk, and not dark, chocolate was used. Malcolm X taught me that Jesus was dark skinned.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-30 13:17:14 +0000
I thought it was kind of like a mitzvah to eat the body of Christ, but that's always been represented by communion wafers (matzah)...I think this is actually a pretty interesting interpretation of that.

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