NE Mini Golf Tour 2007
With the arrival of CTP to the former colonies, some of us (Glib, pchippy, virtue, RN) have begun hatching plans for a mini-golf tour of New England. The Cape Cod stop will be June 9 – 11. Two campsites have been reserved at Nickerson State Park so far, official courses TBD. With the true arrival of Spring, excursions to the Orange Dinosaur course, Route 1 Saugus, and Richardson’s Ice Cream, Route 114 Middleton are in the offing. Suggestions of other destinations are welcome, pending logistical considerations. Proper attire is mandatory per the Tour Fashion Officer, CTP.
I saw the dinosaur lying on its side yesterday, bastards! But the course is open!!
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First, who's going down early in the day on Friday and who has to stay in Boston until the end of the work day?
Second, who's driving?
Third, has C Dub assembled a list of venues yet?
I'd vote for Bass River Sports World, Pirate's Cove and Cape Escape and lots of ice cream.
Could be worse, though.
Pack your tweed.
Official Tournament - 6 courses over 2 days
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