<a href ="http://www.thephatphree.com/features.asp?StoryID=3599&SectionID=16?f"> Here. </a> A wealth of material.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-13 18:08:43 +0000
Posted by doublegroundsuperfinemustard on 2007-03-13 20:43:02 +0000
The original Ernie Boch Jr. commercial, where he's walking around like some awkward robot and ver creepily turns to the camera over the back of a sofa full of kids watching a huge TV and says "we even make waiting a pleasure."
That, or really any JG Wentworth commercial. That guy's seriously fucked up.
Posted by tommy on 2007-03-14 04:14:02 +0000
Wow, Rockingham County in the house! School committee guy and Hampstead Mulch Madness!
My favorites that I can remember...
- One that tried to tell parents not to belittle their kids. An ominous voice over said "Sometimes words hit harder than fists", and then you saw a series of lips, saying things like "Hey stupid, don't you know how to listen?" "You can't be my kid", "You're pathetic" etc.
- The one where two martians land on earth and discover Earth Fruit. "It's better than good. It's yummy and not bad" I think part of a series of public service ads for kids on channel 38.
- Jingle: How does Dinger do it? I don't know! Come to Dinger Ford. In Braintree.
- Any of the various Suit Yourself commercials with "The Iron Messiah", and especially the one that parodied those old Mastercard ads. "I got lucky that night... Thanks, Suit Yourself!"
- The Rotman's (furniture store in Worcester) ad with Bruins then-rookie Joe Juneau attempting to speak English "Rrrrotman's is yuge"
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-03-14 13:17:02 +0000
I quote the martian fruit commercial _all_the_time_... my wife thinks I'm nuts.
"What's this? Earth fruit?!"
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-14 16:06:18 +0000
Well, I for one wasn't stoned enough for this post.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-14 16:14:32 +0000
That, or really any JG Wentworth commercial. That guy's seriously fucked up.
My favorites that I can remember...
- One that tried to tell parents not to belittle their kids. An ominous voice over said "Sometimes words hit harder than fists", and then you saw a series of lips, saying things like "Hey stupid, don't you know how to listen?" "You can't be my kid", "You're pathetic" etc.
- The one where two martians land on earth and discover Earth Fruit. "It's better than good. It's yummy and not bad" I think part of a series of public service ads for kids on channel 38.
- Jingle: How does Dinger do it? I don't know! Come to Dinger Ford. In Braintree.
- Any of the various Suit Yourself commercials with "The Iron Messiah", and especially the one that parodied those old Mastercard ads. "I got lucky that night... Thanks, Suit Yourself!"
- The Rotman's (furniture store in Worcester) ad with Bruins then-rookie Joe Juneau attempting to speak English "Rrrrotman's is yuge"
"What's this? Earth fruit?!"