Termites? Not in MY house!
Well, with all the chaos with family, car and home, this morning was a good sign that things are okay and will get progressively better.
I had my annual termite inspection this morning at 7:45am. Good thing I'd just put my clothes on after lounging around the house a bit, post-shower. Also, my shower actually drained this morning. So, no post-shower work out with the plunger in my left hand and my right hand stopping to overflow drain with a washcloth.
The super-hot termite inspector checkout out my crawlspace and garage and said all was well. Then he pumped some powder around the outside of the buildings to deter pests for the next month. With longer warm seasons and shorter cold ones here, I have a lot more bugs to keep out of my living space.
Tomorrow the dry-basement people come for an inspection. I'll know then if I need a new floor from the mushrooms!
I'm gonna have to stick with Three Kings and Boyz N The Hood.