Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-05 17:51:20 +0000
For the three of you who care
Mystery Jets at Great Scott on May 31.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-05 17:52:54 +0000
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-05 17:54:00 +0000
Gonna open it?
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-05 17:58:48 +0000
There's an e-mail out to Carl; we'll see.
Posted by G lib on 2007-03-05 18:08:11 +0000
Should I get a ticket in advance? And if so, can you get them at G.S. or do you have to go through ticket asshole.
I'm SO going to this.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-05 18:30:30 +0000
I wonder the same for both this and BATTLES.
Could you let me know what you find out G lib?
Posted by virtue on 2007-03-06 12:57:12 +0000
Me too!
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-09 18:12:37 +0000
Some band called White Rabbits is opening instead of us. I might boycott the show on principle alone after being <i>DICKED AROUND</i> by the Mystery Jets management! Carl even went to bat for us, citing a guaranteed sell-out. Fuck them.
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-09 18:16:43 +0000
Someday you'll be playing Atlanta and you'll kick a local band off the bill to make way for First Strike.
Mark my words.
But you're right... I'm boycotting.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-09 18:19:58 +0000
It's not the getting kicked off the bill that I'm upset about, it's the treatment that we/Carl got about the whole thing. At least the front guy for First Strike can walk around without crutches, sheesh.
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-04-09 18:21:46 +0000
For the time being, anyway.
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-09 18:30:42 +0000
Ed is a cripple?
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-04-09 18:32:22 +0000
What the hell did they say/do to you?
I thought you really dug they guys.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-09 19:06:29 +0000
No: respectless is the front guy for First Strike.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-09 19:07:46 +0000
Their <i>management</i> did the "yes/no/maybe/yes/no/etc." game for a while.
No beef with the band themselves.
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-09 19:09:23 +0000
Ah, instead of telling straight up "no", they yanked you around for a bit in order to cushion the blow.
I'm still confused about the crutches.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-09 19:10:35 +0000
Twas mearly a pathetic attempt at humor. The MJ from guy's got spinal bifida.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-04-09 19:12:09 +0000
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-05-16 11:23:30 +0000
Potvin sent me the "new" Mystery Jets CD "Zootime." Essentially an EP: It starts off with a rerecording of "Diamonds in the Dark" which is totally irrelevant as the other version is superior. Then we get two crap songs "Inside Four Walls" and "Scarecrows in the Rain" where they lost the plot entirely. When the bands good they have lots of classic rock surging through a very modern Brit indie sound. The classic rock in this instance with these two songs seem to be Bloc Party. Neither has the accomplished vocals that worked before.
The next seven songs are identical takes from "Making Dens:" "The Boy Who Ran Away," "Soluble in Air," Horse-Drawn Cart," "Zootime," "You Can't Fool Me Dennis," "Purple Prose of Cairo," and "Little Bag of Hair." Why stop there? Wasn't "Alas Agnes" good enough?
Last two new songs at least they show their freak flag and vocals again: "Umbrellahead" a nice ragtime waltz although the subject (paranoia about growing old) probably doesn't go over well with Dad, and "Crosswords" is back to the Bloc Party shit, but at least this time the double drumming is back and the wierd "Beta Band jam band element" is present.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-08-20 05:58:16 +0000
Uh... aparently the Jets are playing the Paradise, opening up for The Klaxons on September 23, for those who give a shit.
Posted by deejayhubris on 2007-08-20 17:12:48 +0000
I'm SO going to this.
Could you let me know what you find out G lib?
Mark my words.
But you're right... I'm boycotting.
I thought you really dug they guys.
No beef with the band themselves.
I'm still confused about the crutches.
The next seven songs are identical takes from "Making Dens:" "The Boy Who Ran Away," "Soluble in Air," Horse-Drawn Cart," "Zootime," "You Can't Fool Me Dennis," "Purple Prose of Cairo," and "Little Bag of Hair." Why stop there? Wasn't "Alas Agnes" good enough?
Last two new songs at least they show their freak flag and vocals again: "Umbrellahead" a nice ragtime waltz although the subject (paranoia about growing old) probably doesn't go over well with Dad, and "Crosswords" is back to the Bloc Party shit, but at least this time the double drumming is back and the wierd "Beta Band jam band element" is present.
The Klaxons on the dancefloor.