"If this government wants to listen in on my phone conversations, go for it!"
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FjruZx44y0s"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FjruZx44y0s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
3-4 seconds of ads at the beginning, but it's worth it.
More liberal bias in the Media. Why is the Right's viewpoint always espoused by slim, dumb, blondes?
<img src="http://www.moveleft.com/moveleft/images/ann_coulter_2005_03_29_kansas_cropped.jpg">
I have a lot of respect for Rosie ever since she dropped the Tom Cruise schtick and stood defiantly on the courthouse steps of San Francisco with her partner. At least it seems like there is something genuine there now - I guess it just bums me out when one person makes a "preaching to the choir" type of statement and someone, anyone, says something that doesn't quite line up with the past "choir" statement and the end result is that the opposing speaker is talked over, instantly dismissed, or laughed at (or all three).
Also, Rosie has way more oratorial experience - she drops the facade of talking to her other starbucks sipping ladies and looks directly at the audience and slams her point down emphatically - almost warrior 'Pat Buchanan' style. (I used to laugh At the Buchanan thing so much - when he got going on a point - he would start a "wood chopping" motion with his extended fingers and forearm going down towards the podium at a 45 degree angle)
Although, I have no ground to stand on as to why she started making bad pop culture references to make her point. Why would <i>anyone</i> be caught dead trying to get across a serious political argument and bringing up Britney Spears? Oh yeah, that's really going to help dissuade any viewers...
This is absolutely true.
But she didn't.
...and just saying "if it makes us safer" isn't a satisfying argument because I have no way of verifying that claim.
<img src="http://espn.go.com/media/radio/2004/0227/photo/filarski_il.jpg">