Don't forget to look <a href="http://www.rideside.net:8080/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SocialCalendarForQ">here</a> once in a while.
Don't see anything of interest to you? Add something.
C4RT shows?
Dates of visits to Boston area by non-Bostonite Qvians?
Wiki's rule...
I've just added it as a separate linked page.
One question: is there something that should technically differentiate posting to RSN vs. posting to the WIKI?
(I'm sure 10 Diamonds may have some rules and regulations / etiquette to share) ;)
I've been trying to promote the SocialCalendarForQ as a viable information source, and I think it works best if you do the following:
1. If you know of an upcoming event that merits inclusion on the calendar, put the basic information on the calendar.
2. If the event listing involves so much information that including it all would clutter up the calendar page, simply create a separate linked page to supply all that information.
3. If you want to alert people more actively about a given event, and maybe engage in dialogue about it, start a RSN thread with a link to the Wiki page.
4. If you modify a Wiki page someone else created, do so courteously and in ways that don't hijack it.