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tome cusp
Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-20 20:33:51 +0000

Couch surfing is a sport, right?

So, I'm coming to Boston, maybe for 10 days starting April 1. May do some travelling to non-contiguous states while there. Who wants to put me up? If you have a cat, are you willing to vaccuum or shake the fur out of the sheets before I arrive?

Thanks in advance!

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 19:30:33 +0000
Seriously? None of you want to put me up? For all the "I miss you"s I hear, I'm not feelin' the love right now.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-21 19:32:39 +0000
I think after the God Fires Man men leave (Mon/Tues), I suspect the Wadsworth couch is fine? Let me double check with the boys now: Right Corbs/EPs?

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 19:33:22 +0000
cool...are you animal-free these days? Other than humans?

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-21 19:34:59 +0000
Lindsay moved out. No more kitties. Check it out: you can use my bed Wednesday for sure.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 19:36:25 +0000

many thanks

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 19:39:40 +0000
God Fires Man leaves (I think) tomorrow.

The Wadsworth couch is indeed fine.

(Hopefully the chair is, too -- a member of the band who shall not be named had a little accident last night. Luckily, the accident coincided with CTP buying a shopvac at the Goodwill.)

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-21 19:41:22 +0000
Just throwing it out there, the first Gay For Johnny Depp album is <i>still</i> a tour-de-force 10 minutes.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 19:42:05 +0000
Western Mass (Beautiful Monson MA) is open (assuming you dont mind a daily drop off at the Worcester commuter rail @ 7:00 am daily...)

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 19:42:10 +0000
I heard some of the new stuff last night -- better than the last one. Rumbly, digestive-sounding drums.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 19:47:24 +0000
"Digestive-Sounding" reminds me of Farts.

I'm pretty sure this isn't what yr getting at.

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 19:52:04 +0000
I was thinking more of the process than the after-effects.

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-21 19:59:32 +0000

Sorry for the late reply--I had previously offered it to CTP's friends during that same time period (one is preggers, so she trumps, no offense). If they say 'yes', you might have to H3W or Couch it for those nights, but we can always find room for ya.

PS--We got a "new" double futon for the basement.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 21:17:25 +0000
As much as I like Worcester (having worked there once a week for my last year in Boston), I am going to say thanks but no thanks. Really appreciate the offer, though.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 21:18:29 +0000
I may surf a bit...a little H3W, a little Eastie, a little Lynn...a little NYC, a little Maine. Flying into Providence most likely on a free ticket, so still debating getting a rental car. Thoughts?

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-21 21:38:24 +0000
I don't think that to-ing-and-fro-ing will be an option for the Chipmobile. So maybe it's a good idea to get a rental? That way you can be Miriamobile without having to wait for the T/Commuter Rail/Fung Wa.

We're still looking for a tenant for the second floor, so we might/ might not be tied to showing the place nights and weekends, although we hope to be done by that point.

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 21:40:56 +0000
Add (at least) 20% to the cost of the rental car for parking tickets.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 21:55:31 +0000
Still considering that if I buy a car this weekend I could drive it up and back. Would be a schlep, but might be fun.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-22 02:09:39 +0000
We have space in Davis Sq. too...

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-22 14:16:27 +0000
Awesome! Sounds like I should park my suitcase at one house and backpack it through the rest. Still need to book my ticket. Shouldn't be a problem since it's free. Transport will be figured out later.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-22 14:26:40 +0000
no doubt - every time I park in Boston I wonder what will be greeting me on my car - and Im careful as I can to follow the signs...

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-27 14:47:18 +0000
Don't think I'll rent a car; need the exercise and miss using public transport. Besides, a little patience never hurt anyone. That, and I need an excuse to use all my change!

Posted by pchippy on 2007-03-28 11:23:14 +0000
Miriam, we can't come pick you up because we have to meet with prospective tenants on Friday evening, but you're welcome to stay at our house. If nobody is able to come pick you up you can get a Peter Pan/Bonanza bus from the Providence airport to Logan; they depart hourly and only take an hour and twenty minutes--the same amount of time driving would take. $40 round trip <a href="http://www.peterpanbus.com/tickets/fares.php">here</a>.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-28 13:37:28 +0000
Looks like I found a ride and place to crash in Quincy with an old coworker on Friday night. Saturday night I'm hotelling it with a roomie from Israel and her boyfriend who are driving down from Montreal (would love for y'all to meet them...is there anything fun happening Saturday night?), Sunday and Monday nights at Rebecca's, Tuesday night maybe NYC, and Wednesday-Sunday are up in the air. Sunday night might be at Marais's (she might take me to the airport Monday morning).

Good luck with the viewing! I may crash with y'all mid-late week.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-30 15:24:24 +0000
Okay, I'm signing off...see y'all soon! Give a ring later.

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