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Posted by tgl on 2007-03-29 03:21:38 +0000

Bus 442 -- 11:33pm from Wonderland, Revere, MA

Dude in black cap, skull and piston cross "bones" cap, and mega big headphones (DBC): Ibanez makes a great guitar. They sound fine. I need one with a radical shape.
Dude with slicked back hair in a ponytail, weave/mesh cowboy boot syle shoes, sports coat and gothic cross necklace (DSB): Oh, yeah.
DBC: I'm good at drawing, I took a screenprinting class in High School. I'll make a kick-ass logo and print it on t-shirts. "Oh you want one? 5 bucks." I'll make money then buy a vendor license.
DSB: Yeah!
DBC: I'll get a used sewing machine and a bunch of material, some corpse paint, make a fucked up customer, it'll be fun.
DSB: Music is fun. Yeah.
DBC: This guy in ____ shot himself in the head, and his bandmate took a picture --instead of going to the police, he went to the store to buy a camera-- they created necklaces from his skull fragments.
DSB: Whoa.
DBC: Said skull fragments are still out there.
DSB: Whoa.
DBC. Mayhem. Burzem. Those Norweigans are fucked up. No way I'm joing a Norweigian band.
DSB: Oh, yeah.
DBC: They went around burning churches.
Blind guy with white teddy bear and crusty snot rag: Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell burned churches in England in the 1640s.
DBC: The Vikings burned churches in England before that. 753 is the first Viking attack on England.
DSB: Oh.
DBC: I'm psyched about Metal Fest. This band from Lynn is in it, they are more hardcore than heavy metal, which isn't my thing.

I need to <a href="http://www.strnds.com">strand</a> this shit.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-03-29 12:27:49 +0000
They made a bus out of a 442! Awesome!

<img width=600 src="http://www.aps2k.com/dougscar/w30/rtfrt1.JPG">

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-29 12:51:59 +0000
I need Blondie's "442" song. Detroit 442, baby I got eyes for you...

Or something like that.

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