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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2007-05-14 13:08:39 +0000

Wicked Pissah Mega Kegah!!

So Im turning the big 30 on Thursday, Mohammed Mohammed Malik Shabazz is hitting 74 or whatever on Wednesday and his lovely lady consort gets some extra letters after her name on Friday.

In order to celebrate these 3 historic occasions - what better way than to have a party at Historic 3 Wadsworth?

On Saturday we will be having a wicked pissah mega kegah at H3W - this is just a pre warning so y'all can note it in your diary, cancel whatever you had planned on Sunday and get the stomach pump booked. We will come up with a masterplan as the week progresses - suggestions gratefully recieved...

Posted by MF DU on 2007-05-14 13:41:39 +0000
oh. my. God.

Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2007-05-14 17:14:13 +0000
Im not a god, im just a man

shall i put you down as a yes?

Posted by Miriam on 2007-05-14 18:52:49 +0000
SOOOOOOOOOOOO wish I could be there. Happy birthdays and graduation! My weekend will likely be spent under my house, spraying for mold.

Posted by ssgt.dh on 2007-05-15 13:34:01 +0000
how about you get a tap. and a keg. those always help at keg parties. you might want to get some disposable cups too. however keg stands do make parties more fun. saturday is gonna be tough. have a graduation is east chucka fuck on sunday. in shuttesville or something like that. will see what we can do. oh. if you need a tap of course we've got one.

Posted by pchippy on 2007-05-15 19:14:26 +0000
CTP, don't forget you can always post events like this <a href="http://www.rideside.net:8080/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SocialCalendarForQ">here</a> as well.

Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2007-05-15 19:31:19 +0000
what i really need is some big strong boys to drive to blanchards/cappy's or whatever and get the keg and carry it up the stairs - that would be perfect

Posted by MF DU on 2007-05-16 15:57:06 +0000
Be sure to Raise a Toast
For The

Posted by MF DU on 2007-05-16 15:56:35 +0000
Madie Nigs's 3rd birthday on Sunday -

I will have to be a phone in guest.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-05-22 08:05:05 +0000
Happy belated! You're only 30? Yikes.

Yet again I am reminded of my trousers' rolled state.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-05-22 09:46:44 +0000
are there photos - I want to see visual evidence of the carnage!

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