Rudee! Rudee!
Did any of our right-leaning brethern watch the free-for-all from SC this past week? I was wondering what the take on Rudy Giuliani is.
I'd have to agree that other than Giulani scoring points grandstanding about 9/11, <a href="">Ron Paul</a> ends up winning that debate.
Anhyone else? I'd like to support Giuliani in that he's like me: a northeastern, elitist, cross-dressing, baby-killing, taxpayer-money-spendin'-machine. However, he seems to be blissfully blinkered to the reality of the Middle East.
<i>Yes, I've already take the edge off this Friday evening. Only a little sarcasm in the above post. Just a little.</i>
Money quote: "Meanwhile Fox News, which broadcast the debate, continued its tradition of balancing good-looking conservative pundits with liberals who look either weird or bearded."
I like Rudy beter than most, but the Right Wing fundamentalists will probably not get behind him, and even I cant vote for Romney.
The last thing we need is another fundamentalist. I think we've all had enough of that.