RIP: Shizzatellite
My '71 Plymouth Satellite, my best friend the whole world, is moving on. Dude's coming to buy it in a couple of hours. I have been assured that it is not going to be put down, and will be going to a good home.
Goodbye, old fella. I'm gonna miss ya.
It would be cool if the comment links didn't barf with images.
Is there an image in that comment?
There's an "a" tag inside each commment div, but "comment-30533" is the value of id attribute, not the name attribute. You can link to content within a page using the hash, but that's if it matches an a tag with a name. Looks like Firefox links to the id, but IE doesn't? The answer is a Google search away, I'm sure.
Sorry for the loss of the shizattelite, though.